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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. She is beautiful.. Congratulations to the whole family!
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl, and obviously well-loved.
  3. I am so very sorry, Pam. Lymphoma is what took my Buddy, too.
  4. For reassurance, you could get her tested for Lyme disease in 4-6 weeks. We did that with Ruby once after I found an engorged tick on her.
  5. I'm so sorry, Beth. Even though it's so unfair for you, at least he finally IS loved madly now--and will be until his time comes. We didn't do chemo with Buddy, when he got lymphoma, either. No flames at all.
  6. I never let my dogs off-leash. Just didn't want to take a chance. BUT, I know of a couple who had a greyhound, and did let him off leash all the time. He always stayed right beside them, or around their house---until the one time my friend walked by with her two greyhounds. Their dog started following her and her dogs, and after about a block she turned around and took him home. I suppose in the right area, under the right circumstances, with the right dog, it might be OK--but I don't have a lot of dog experience (only ever had the four greyhounds), so I doubt I would do it. But I'm not gonna flame someone who does. AND, I totally agree with not letting a dog off-leash around other dogs. That was always a pet peeve of mine when walking my dogs (usually three at a time): off leash dogs.
  7. He belongs to Ullaluv, not RMarie.
  8. What a beautiful tribute, Jan. Treasure was blessed to have you as her 'other mama', and Robin is blessed to have you as a friend!
  9. To keep a baby sock on, you can wrap regular first aid tape around the top part of the sock, just above the ankle to keep it from slipping off. Put the tape ON the top part of the sock, not sticking to the fur. Wrap tight enough to stay on above the ankle, but not TOO tight.
  10. I'm sorry you are going through this. It's so hard when they hurt, and we don't really know why. It's so discouraging and hard to keep a positive attitude. Been there, done that, and I understand what you're going through. :
  11. Jack acted really weird when he was on tramadol. He was also on rimadyl for a long time, for his corns. Not sure it helped much, and we had to take him off of it due to stomach issues--which turned out to be something else anyway.
  12. My Jack had corns, and he limped something fierce. Don't underestimate the power of corns.
  13. I am no expert, but of my four greyhounds, only one did not get on beds/furniture. Also, greyhounds are more sprinters than distance runners, so not sure how a grey would do on a run of a 'few miles'. Others here would know better about this, I am sure. They are wonderful dogs, very easy to live with, very, very sweet. Good luck.
  14. My girls were always quite fond of zinnias and purple coneflowers.....just the leaves please. Made for some funny looking flowers.
  15. Jack also got really thin. He was dropping weight in a very alarming fashion. Vet said it was a combination of the ultra low fat food and the disease, which was also a protein-losing disease. She didn't think it was from the pred, so who knows. He was eating over 7 Cups of that food daily, with handfuls of it as treats, and still losing weight. And it was the ONLY thing we were allowed to give him.
  16. I loved Treasure from afar, and I regret that I never had the chance to meet her. She will live in the memories of so many of us, forever. My sincere sympathy to you, Robin. Hugs to Iker, too, and Allen.
  17. Jack was on low-residue IAMS for a long time. It *is* lower in fat, which probably accounts for weight loss. After his diagnosis of lymphangiectasia, he was switched to ULTRA low fat food, and he dropped weight in a quite alarming manner. A LOT of weight. We had inadvertently been kind of treating the disease before we knew he had it, with the low res food; we originally put him on it to try and manage his soft stool. If only we had known earlier.
  18. Don't know about IBD or PLE, but Jack had lymphangiectasia, and the vet wanted to eventually put him on budesonide, but the pred was going to initially get the disease under control a lot faster, and that's why he was on pred. Unfortunately he developed blood clots and had to leave us. Maybe that's the vet's reasoning--hit it hard with pred, then switch to the other?
  19. Jack was on prednisolone, very high doses, and he started pretty quickly with lots of peeing. I was taking him out upwards of 13 times every day....usually hourly.
  20. My Ruby was afraid of storms too. She would go to the basement, which was finished and had cozy dog beds--but she'd usually head for my son's old bedroom down there, which was truly the quietest spot. We kept a bed in there for her; it was her 'safe spot'.
  21. My dog Jack was on a lot of prednisone (actually prednisolone) after he was diagnosed with intestinal lymphangiectasia. I was taking him out EVERY HOUR during the day, and tried to somewhat restrict his water in the evening....unfortunately Jack was not on it long enough to 'adjust'. He developed blood clots and we had to let him go.
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