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About Robin1017

  • Birthday August 15

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    Newton, MA

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  1. Posting a quick thank you to Judy for our goodies! I took pictures and a video, but I'm not so swift with Flickr, and I've been sick, so posting that will likely be a couple days more till I'm at home to be able to focus on it. But Calvin loves the VERY LOUD stuffed frog and squeaks it frequently. He also is enjoying all the cookies. I loved the Alabama clay ornament....so neat to get that from an area I haven't been yet! And the canine enrichment book..... I'm actually a member of that group on Facebook, so I'm familiar with the author and her work. So excited to get her book, thank you! A better post is forthcoming... But I didn't want to delay any longer. Thank you! Happy New Year! Cathy & Calvin
  2. The package arrived this morning! Though I am feeling impatient, I'm going to try to wait until Christmas, if that's ok? Then Calvin's nana can watch the fun too.
  3. deliveries have been tricky around here lately....even Amazon packages are late! And there was apparently a natural disaster in Warwick, RI, that none of us who live in the area heard about, but FedEx said it delayed their shopping, so it must be so! Lol. I will keep an eye out for it, thank you! And I'm a little sicker than yesterday, so I have a feeling I'll be here till Tuesday, so there's time.
  4. Mailed, but haven't received. Hoping it arrives before I leave for the holiday, and the person just didn't tell elfster it was sent. I was going to leave tomorrow morning, but might stay till Tuesday morning due to getting sick. Though a small glitch with elfster is that I was able to see who has me. Fyi.
  5. Dear Santa, I haven't put up a tree in the past two years, for various reasons, so I'm pleased to be able to respond that I got me a big 7 foot tall one this year! Calvin curls up in his slumber ball right beside it, wondering what's up with his weirdo human THIS time and eagerly awaiting Santa's visit. Thank you for asking! Cathy & Calvin
  6. Calvin thinks I should get involved in this. 😝
  7. I got my match, and though there's no info except the person's name and address, I can tell who it is so will be looking it up on here for dog name. Excited and hoping someone got me!
  8. Love it every year. So glad I remembered to log in today.
  9. Holy cow. Thanks for sharing. I hope she had another home and only recently got loose. I would hate to think of her alone for 12 years.
  10. Robin1017


    This makes me so sad. I've been a fan of Lexie's from afar for many years through GT, both here and on FB. Having lost a dog suddenly this summer, in less than 5 minutes, I know how utterly shattering that is, even when you knew it was likely coming soon. My heart breaks for you, but it was her way of taking the decision out of your hands and going on her terms. You asked for favorite memories of Lexie. I would say mine would be the wedding, of course, but also the many many MANY pictures of her posing with food and in hats over the years. You and I actually were facebook friends for a while after a June a few years ago when you did a photo contest for her birthday celebration. (Her 10th, maybe?) I just loved her in the hats, and hearing the stories of her therapy dog exploits. The hat pictures also reminded me of BowWow Bonnets, a wonderful lady we lost a few years ago, who once sent me a couple of hats for my Robin's therapy dog work. She was a special girl, loved by thousands of people all over the world. May her memory soon bring you peace, smiles, and laughter to replace the tears. <3
  11. Searching around the internet last night about things to help Calvin's anxiety, as I often do, and I came across Purina Calming Care, a daily probiotic supplement with a specific strain of probiotic to help with anxiety. Apparently it came out late last year and it looks like it's prescription-only. It says it can take 6 weeks to see an effect, which is one box. The box is a bit pricy, $49.99 on chewy.com, but if you order directly from https://www.proplanvetdirect.com/ there's a $10 off your first order code. And I gotta say, if it helps, that's not so expensive that it wouldn't be worth it. Has anyone tried this? The reviews are surprisingly good, both on chewy and on that website I just linked to. I'm thinking it might be worth trying, but I was curious if anyone here had tried it yet. I've tried so many other things, and he's much better than he used to be, but I haven't found anything that really helped much, honestly. Thoughts?
  12. Hi there! I remember you of course. Sad to hear you lost your 'core' pack, who I remember fondly, but that is how it works with time passing, unfortunately. I hope all is well!
  13. Oh, I'm so glad! I'm always a bit nervous when there's no update and it didn't sound good prior to no update. I'm so glad he's doing well. <3
  14. Just seeing this today. Any updates? How is Milo feeling? I hope he's improved?
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