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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. I have an album of pictures of my good boy Marvin you can look at. Click on the picture below and then you can click on each picture to see my comments. The pictures are disturbing and still make me cry when I look at them.
  2. Sending good thoughts to Lizzie during her dental today!
  3. Dr. Feeman posted a greyhound medical pamphlet and I know there was thyroid info in it CLICK HERE
  4. Ramm is on Metacam and takes 10 mg at night only per his vet.
  5. Update~ I just heard from the vet's office, Ruby is fine but she lost 4 teeth. They are keeping her there on fluids this afternoon. Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers. Ruby will be having a dental, we found out her Creatinine is 6.4, her vet says she has kidney disease. Her vet is going to take every precaution (her dental can not be put off she has an infection). Any good thoughts you can send her would be appreciated. Here's her blood work, for anyone interested.
  6. I'm so sorry. Sending prayers for a peaceful passing today.
  7. Ramm will be 13 in May and went for a checkup yesterday. He was diagnosed with arthritis in his hips several years ago and now he's having a problem with balance and has a wobbly sinking rear end. His vet gave him a Metacam shot and said that if it seemed to help him to let her know and I can pick more up today. I did some research on Metacam and found this. Has anyone had any of these problems with long term Metacam use?
  8. We used palliative radiation on Marvin. The treatment was $600, but that was in 2005. He had fibroblastic osteosarcoma in the left front leg, wrist area. He had good results for six weeks, then the pain came back severely and we did an amputation which we initially did not plan on doing. He had chemo treatments(which Dr. Cuoto supplied to my vet to administer, no charge), but didn't get his last one because his back leg broke on the same side as the amputation and we sent him to heaven. You have to do what you think is right for your dog. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about what you decide, it is your decision and very personal. It's really heartbreaking to see your dog go through this and my heart goes out to you. If I had to make the decision again I don't think I would have put Marvin through that again.
  9. Kassie was the first here to have a limp and swollen wrist. Vet checked her for Lyme Disease first and that's what she had. She was treated with antibiotics and was fine. Marvin was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and his symptoms came out of the blue. He was fine, no limping or swelling, but one evening, after a nap, came to me panting, holding his front leg up and had a big swollen wrist. The first thing his vet checked for was Lyme disease, he didn't have it so she did and x-ray and saw it. Ramm (Marvin's littermate), was limping on his front leg last summer, the vet checked him out and said he has arthritis in his elbow. Limping can be caused by many things so if there's a limp you're concerned about it's better to have it checked out.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear such sad news. Sending hugs and prayers for Alex.
  11. Sending hugs and prayers for Jabari. I hope your vet can figure this out.
  12. Sending hugs and prayers for Giselle.
  13. Ellie I'm so sorry. Sending hugs for you and Indigo
  14. Sending many prayers and positive thoughts for Onyx!
  15. My dogs ate Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra for six years. We also switched because of price and the bag was smaller. We originally had them on the Kirland Chicken and Rice but their poops weren't that great and they had so much gas. Eventually we switched to the Kirkland Lamb and rice and they do really well on it.
  16. Jen I'm sorry Sending hugs for you and Neyla.
  17. NancyB


    Oh no! I'm so sorry
  18. I hope Bruce is feeling better soon!
  19. What an awesome update! Neyla you are very beautiful
  20. NancyB


    Oh no! I'm so sorry
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