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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. hope all went well. Guen my foster had her spay and dental yesterday and she is home and did well so fingers crossed for you
  2. thanks for the update and ya for the good news
  3. no Idea was gonna say anal gland but you said its not. good luck
  4. I am going to try this for my foster. Her front to keeps dislocation (prob every other day). While she was in yesterday for her "big girl"surgery We had the vet look at it. He chose to not amp and wants to see if it will calisify into place. I dont see how it can when it keeps dislocatiing. So I am gonna try this and see if it helps. Thanks for posting
  5. Im so sorry for the loss of your Thane
  6. jamngrey

    Puppy Oliver

    is so sorry. Run free little big man
  7. thanks all. I will go with the xray then if it is the toe I am going to look into the amputation
  8. I love the photo of him getting some lovin from your DD. Prayers he has a full recovery
  9. When Cassie was retired(21 months old) it was due to a dislocated back toe(and the fact she would rather play than run ). Took her to groups specialist. He said due to it being a weight bearing toe he would prefer to not amputate. Well she did fine on it for quite a several years tho it made her "flat footed". She developed a corn on the toe and we were hulling it and keep a therapaw for walks on. Fast forward to now.....She hardly will even walk on the foot due to the corn and probably hops on 3 legs 75% of the time the other 25% she limps. My question is: She is 8yrs old and has no medical issues. Would you consider amputation or would I just be putting her thru pain for no real benefit?
  10. prayers for a clean report. Hugs to you and your poor pup
  11. she looks great. tons of well wishes in hopes for a quick,issue and pain free recovery
  12. wonderfull news hope she feeling better soon
  13. addingmy prayers for a benign report
  14. There are several things Muzzles work for some with the end covered like with a poop cup. If a shirt will cover the area use one. Im not sure what type of surgery so not sure what to sugest. edited to add: I just read it is in the anal area. shirt wont work. You could try boxers backwards (tail out the slit)
  15. sending tons of prayers your you and Bumper
  16. My house is hot as well. I have a ac unit in my bedroom as well. I keep it on during the day for my 3. I have a sheer curtian (cant spell that ) that hangs there all the time. That way my pups can go in and out but get to hang out in the cool but Im not cooling the whole house.
  17. Im sorry for your loss. Letting our friends go is one of the hardest and most loving things we will ever have to do. I hope your heart heals and your and Soldi can give eachother the comfort you need. Run free with no problems any more sweet boy
  18. jamngrey

    Keena Macbride

    un free sweet girl, Im sorry you lost her hugs to you
  19. jamngrey

    Zeus The Dobe

    run free sweet boy
  20. wow that is quite a lump. Hope results come back good
  21. sweet sweet sweet Boy you have never left us
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