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Everything posted by 6greyhounds

  1. The Spirit Of A Greyhound I was standing on a hillside in a field of blowing wheat, and the spirit of a Greyhound was lying at my feet. He looked at me with kind dark eyes, ancient wisdom shining through. in the essence of his being, I saw the love there too. His mind did lock upon my heart as I stood there on that day, and he told me of this story about a place so far away. As I stood upon that hillside in a field of blowing wheat, in a twinkling of a second his spirit left my feet. His tale did put my heart at ease, all my fears did fade away about what lay ahead of me on another distant day. "I live among God's creatures now in the heavens of your mind, so do not grieve for me, my friend as I am with my kind. My collar is a rainbow's hue, my leash a shooting star. my boundaries are the Milky Way where I sparkle from afar. There are no pens or kennels here for I am not confined, but I'm free to roam God's heavens among the Greyhound kind. I nap the day on a snowy cloud gentle breezes rocking me, and dream the dreams of earthlings, and how it used to be. The trees are full of liver treats, and tennis balls abound, and milk bones line the walkways just waiting to be found. There even is a ring set up, the grass all lush and green; and everyone who gaits around becomes the Best of Breed. For we're all winners in this place; we have no faults, you see. and God passes out those ribbons to each one, even me. I drink from waters laced with gold, my world a beauty to behold; and wise old dogs do form my pride to amble at my very side. At night I sleep in angel's arms, her wings protecting me, and moonbeams dance about us as stardust falls on thee. So when your life on earth is spent and you stand at Heaven's gate, have no fear of loneliness-- for here, you know, I wait." -Author Unknown
  2. I am so sorry for your loss I am sure she had a greyt welcoming when she arrived
  3. So sorry for your loss. May Tanner Race the wind at the bridge
  4. Hilda I am shocked that Gogh is now at the Bridge. I know you told me about his cancer when you came home and I am sitting here in tears. You know how to get hold of me if you need a shoulder to lean on. Hugs Beryl
  5. So sorry for your loss I have been reading about Bodie on Circle. He is now racing the wind and I know my girls gave him a welcome roo when they met him
  6. found this on Circle of Greys Eclipse had his first round of chemo yesterday! He seems fine. He did lay on his right side (the boo boo side) last night. So getting up he screamed. I don't know if it is because of the muscles still re adjusting to the lack of leg; or because that leg was used to get the chemo intraveinously. I just try to hug him and I'm still giving him one Tramadol with breakfast and one with dinner. I did give him Flagyl yesterday just to be sure. I think I'll save the rest of the flagyl in case I need it.
  7. An e-mail from Michelle Hi! E had chemo round 1 today. Uneventful, so that's good. He's been laying on the twin bed in the dog room while Way Way is crated. Highway got more meds from Dr. Chupp for his pharangitis; so his cough has finally stopped-at least for now
  8. Found this on Circle of Greys Eclipse got his healing blanket from the CoG Blanket Brigade today!! Thank you so much!!! That was so sweet!!!!!! Eclipse liked it and his uncle Highway is borrowing it for right now; seems to be helping with the coughing from the pharangitis! You sent it just in time; we should be doing chemo soon... I got an email from Dr. Vilar in Dr. Couto's office--they are going to send the chemo drugs! I was hoping for tomorrow or Sat; I guess the vet's office will let me know...
  9. Found this on Circle of Greys Eclipse had his stitches out today. He has been doing well and Dr. Neihaus (from the surgery center) said that he is fine. He even came to put Eclipse in the car so he could see him jump in! I thought that was really, really cool of him!!! Highway has been sick too! He has pharangitis. He had swollen lymph nodes, a red swollen throat, and a hacking cough. It has been in the 30s here the past 2 mornings, and I think it aggrivated his poor little throat. So both of my dogs are on antibiotics and pain meds! Eclipse is 66 lbs plus and I'm trying to coordinate the chemo now. I think we will do it this week? I'm anxious to get started to keep the cancer monster from his lungs... __._,_.___
  10. Tom have never had a leg amputated so no advice but when Her Majesty Queen Softee decides she is not eating for us (remember she is 15) we put out a buffet for her. We have to put it on human dishes and not paper plates. We give her 2 or three varieties of canned food, 2 or three different dry food, scrambled eggs, tuna, cat foot and some human food. We just let her pick and eat what she wants also Liver Brownies. 1 pkg muffin mix 1 lb chicken liver 1 clove garlic 2 eggs + shells Put everything in a food processor and pulse till thoroughly mixed. Pour into a greased & floured rectangle pan. Bake at 350 until done. Can freeze, refrigerate cooked brownies. I usually freeze about 3/4 of them and pull them as needed. This receipe was sent to me when Softee was sick and has worked wonders getting my hounds to eat. We have had toes amputated due to cancer So plenty of
  11. received this from Michelle today HI! Eclipse got stitches out & is doing greyt! How about Ember they had surgery the same day
  12. Just in from Michelle HI! Eclipse got stitches out & is doing greyt! Prayers from Her Majesty Queen Softee and family for Polli
  13. I heard back from Dr. Couto and Dr. Vilar; as soon as we get a post amp weight on Eclipse, they can ship the chemo drugs to Dr. Heidi Chupp! I feel SO relieved! We'll probably start chemo Friday... Just in from Michelle
  14. sounds good for both Eclipse and Ember who had surgery on the same day. Both pups are in my prayers and both of you keep up the good work. Get better soon
  15. The latest update from Michelle Thank you for sending the updates! Eclipse is doing well; got a bite of filet mignon last night for his Bday (well it was part of his dad's bday dinner, but it was his bday too!) and got some sweet potato tonight at grandma and grandpa's house! He does NOT want help in and out of the car; wants to do it himself! He goes for suture removal Wed and we are trying to get the vet coordinated with Dr. Couto for chemo. (Dr. Couto is still in Spain.) I'm a bit nervous about the chemo. I sent all the x-rays and hope Dr. Couto's office gets in touch with Dr. Heidi Chupp and soon! Eclipse sends roos to everyone! Love, Michelle, Darren, Highway, & Eclipse
  16. spoke to Michelle Eclipse is doing well and he is eating and rooing for mom. He is also eating for his dad which he was not doing before surgery..
  17. The latest picture of Eclipse and today he is 7 years young also he celebrates his birthday with his dad
  18. greyt news of these two fur kids. Glad Ember is doing better. She is a beautiful gal
  19. I think she tried a shirt. I was thinking of getting some white cotton and see if I can come up with something for hounds to wear that have front legs removed. Have to get the thinking cap on
  20. another post from Eclipse's mom Last night was even better. He's a bit uncomfortable and trying to lick his wounds. I threatened to put the cone on him if he did not stop! LOL At this point, licking is allowed, but no pulling out staples. I wonder if all that hair growing back is itchy too?
  21. Tommy Please do me a favor if you see any update on Eclipse please post them. I cannot get to my messages right away with my husband in the hospital and they do not know for certain what is going on with him if it is a blockage, ulcer or just some medications giving him problems. At least they got the swelling down some (legs and feet we so bad I was waiting for his toes to diappear). How is Ember this am?
  22. Must be all the well wishes! Eclipse is home and doing pretty well this eve. He woke me up about every 3 hours last night, but settled down again fairly quickly after I let him out to potty. I got a tail wag and a bit of a roo this afternoon when I rooed at him! LOL Michelle had this posted on another message board thought I would give you an update
  23. With all the prayers, white light and healing thoughts we know they are going to beat it and don't forget St. Francis is laying his hands on this babies also
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