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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Jeanne, I'm so sorry you lost your wonderful, beautiful Anicare.
  2. I'm sorry Diane. He was so handsome, and a character.
  3. Watch it. As my vet recently told me if it gets bigger, it's a bad thing. If it stays the same or shrinks, it's a good thing.
  4. Ouch! Poor baby. I can see why they may want to do surgery since the bones don't line up. I hope you're not beating yourself up. It was an accident.
  5. Tony, it's obvious that you really loved him. You have my most sincerest sympathies. he was very handsome and unfortunately there are way too many to welcome him at the Bridge.
  6. I'm so glad he's doing well. That is scary scary stuff. I've lost 3 to cancer of the spleen. Never had a chance by the time I found it. I hope you got it way early (which is what it sounds like because that cancer is usually aggressive). So congrats on the good new and good luck for the future.
  7. I had a girl that made it to 15.5. She had regular chiropractic appts every 2 months. I believe it helped keep her back end going as long as it did. I currently have my 4,5 and 9 yr old getting adjusted everything 3 months. When they get a smidge older (the 9 yr old acts like a 5 yr old) I'll switch to every 2 months, the eventually every month for my Bwat when she's starting to show any issues.
  8. Oh Christine! I'm so very sorry. Your tribute brought tears to my eyes.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear about Freddy, Sarah. My heart breaks with yours.
  10. It sounds like you're doing everything right. And support is what we're all about. I did want to just let you know however that I had an amputation done on my girl when she had OS in the front leg. She was 12. She had a very very good 6 months before OS hit another leg. And many greys have made it to 14, 15, even 16 yrs old. My own Onyx made it to 15.5. And I personally know of two that made it to 20 yrs and 2 months. Unfortunately no matter what we do, they eventually leave us. Taking a huge piece of our hearts with them every single time.
  11. I was going to say more often. Opal was casted and even with plastic on to keep it dry, it got moist and that causes all sorts of headache. Better too often and forgo problems. Bwat still ended up with a couple of good size sores. She ended up not have a soft cast at all because of the sores. Glad she doesn't need surgery!!
  12. Happy birthday to rooooo Happy birthday to ROOOoooooo Happy birthday dear Willie Happy birthday to roooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 3 part harmony by the Earthly Gemtones: Opal, Tanzanite and Emerald.
  13. Thyme's doctor was Diamond's doctor out at OSU when she had her amp 4 yrs ago, too! I'm not sure if he did Pearl's splenectomy though.(or I might have it reversed, he did Pearl's splenectomy not Diamond's amp. They were only 4 months apart) And of course Izzy and Miami are welcomed for a playdate. Thyme can come too but we'll keep her on the deck. Hey, I had to keep Bwat quiet ALL last summer (and out of the pool) because of her ligament damage. Remember she had surgery and a soft cast on that she kept getting wet by going into her pool. VSEC really loved seeing me come in for an unplanned cast change. It would weigh a ton because it was soaked thru and thru.
  14. He knew he was loved. He was a very handsome boy. Godspeed Murphy.
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