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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I did an amputation on a 12 yr old. She had a terrific 6 months of quality life before OS hit another leg. Her littermate was also 12 when she had a spleenectomy. Her outcome wasn't as good. She already had liver involvement. She survives only 3 weeks. I wish the best of luck for your baby.
  2. Words cannot express the pain stuck so deep in the pit of my heart from missing you; my beloved Pearl and Diamond. Momma is wishing the two of you a happy birthday with all those other wonderful Bridge kids. I struggle to wait until I get to see you again. Thru Diamond's eyes: And my most absolutely favorite picture of all time. My Pearl. Momma misses you both so much.
  3. When this first surfaced a few years back, I stopped feeding them to my girls even though they LOVED them. I threw out whole bags.
  4. Carol Ann and Dan. She was a very special girl. You could see it in the video and pictures. And she was happy. Very happy. That's whats important. You let her live the life she wanted. PS. That's exactly how I lost my heart and soul Pearl. Cancer of spleen and liver.
  5. My Pearl had an abscess tooth. It was on the top WAY WAY in the back. One of the really tiny ones. The first vet missed it and diagnosed her with myocitis. It's when we went for an ultrasound of her face/head because of swelling behind her eye, the specialty vet found the bad tooth. So it's easy to miss.
  6. I just had a scare with my little girl. She started limping on her right front. And at age 9, that's prime age for OS. I just had a hemangiosarcoma scare 2 weeks earlier. She had the dermal kind and I ultrasounded her abdomen to make sure it was dermal and not a met. So at the vets he knew I was worried about OS. He said he's almost sure it's the tendon. Tendonitis. But what I didn't know is that it's very hard to clear up and if you can't clear it up, you can get crystals in the tendon and end up with a permanent limp. She was on Rimadyl for 3 weeks and no running or playing. Just leash walk. She did heal thank goodness. So check the tendonitis route. I don't know if metacam works on tendonitis. My vet said tramadol, while a pain killer helps with pain, it's not a good antinflamatory. That's why he put her on Rimadyl.
  7. There are LOTS of threads regarding insurance here. Go ahead and peruse them. But I think in a nutshell the best liked are: Healthy Paws Trupanion Embrace and I think Pet Plan?! (Not sure about this one). Stay away from VPI and a few others. The first three listed give you a plethura of choices to fit your budget. I prefer to pay higher premiums now and not get hit with any vet bills later. I also prefer a yearly deductible vs a per incident deductible. I have two with Healthy Paws and my monthly payment is $94. (total). I have a $100 yearly deductible and a 90% pay of the vet bill. One girl is 9 and has had several vet visits over the 8 yrs I've had her so she's staying with VPI. They work off a schedule which once was excellent but is now old and archaic. Last big surgery they paid barely 25% of the cost. So two of my three moved to Healthy Paws. But I advise you still look thru the other threads because there's a lot more info than just here. just do a search on Insurance. And personally I'll never go without it. I think most companies cringe when they see my name!
  8. She was beautiful. I'm so sorry she's gone. You can tell by the look in her eye, how much she loved you and loved life.
  9. With both Kellog and Couto gone, I don't know what the turnaround would be. I'd go with Couto.
  10. I opened the Rainbow Land players in the other forum and saw the post about Monty added just a few minutes ago and my heart sank. I feared looking in Rememberance. And here he is. You painted a vivid picture of his life. It was wonderful. Now he can have all the left legs that Bill doesn't eat at the Bridge.
  11. If its on the side (hard to tell by the pix) it probably is nervous chewing.
  12. Deb, she was so aptly named. She was a beautiful, beautiful girl. I'm sorry you only had a year with her. It should have been more.
  13. Liz, Garth was one of those that I loved to hear about. He was so handsome, and I could tell of the deep love you had for him.
  14. Oh Melissa, I'm so very sorry The Queen has left. She looked so much like my Onyx when I had her. There is just something so special about these little old ladies.
  15. She was a gorgeous gorgeous girl.
  16. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Judy and Nadir }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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