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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Shirley, I'm so very sorry you lost Miles. He was such a handsome boy. PS. I lost my Brindle the week before Thanksgiving (many years ago). It was the first Thanksgiving I decided to stay home alone.
  2. You are a perfect example of why insurance is a good thing. Even if you don't go the MRI route, you can affor the $$$ monthly meds now.
  3. Happy birthday to rooo Happy birthday to rooooooooo Happy bridge birthdays Jack and Charlie Happy birthday to roooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx and Crystal, with Brindle as orchastrator.
  4. Ok Denise, take a deep breath. Sit down and have a LARGE glass of wine.
  5. Diamond had 23 at once and Onyx had double digit numbers (can't remember exactly). Neither had swollen glands. He should be on antibiotics? There are a lot of bacteria in the mouth. In fact in some cases, cardiac for example they have dogs and humans alike go on antibiotics before the procedure.
  6. He was a very handsome boy. 9 is still too young!
  7. Are you sure it's just a hemangioma and not dermal hemangiosarcoma? I just removed a sarcoma from the same area on my small greyhound. Vets thought it was nothing but it got larger and I asked for biopsy. It was questionable so I had it removed. It was hemangiosarcoma. But dermal, if it's gotten clean margins is 100% curable.
  8. My Pearl had a petite seisure once, it was caused by a clot, which was caused by her hypertension. So, very little relationship to Thymes seisures. However, her eyes darted side to side. (I was in the middle of taking her for a walk when she suddenly started to walk funny and in a circle). I called her cardiologist and she was pleased I noticed. Apparently if they go up and down that's a very bad sign. So......eye darts side to side were caused by a clot. So it was probably more of a stroke than seisure. Give that little girl a hug and kiss for me. And truthfully, if insurance paid for the MRI/Spinal tap, I'd do it to at least rule out encephalitis. This did seem to come on quickly. But then again. I take my girls to the vets if they lick their bum one too many times!
  9. MP_the4pack


    Oh Petra, I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Tex. .
  10. Hugs to you and Aston. But prednisone raises blood pressure. A LOT. So when he's off the pred, get it rechecked.
  11. tendonitis can come and go. It took over a month for Opal to stop limping. She was on rimadyl and leash walk only.
  12. If I didn't have to work, I'd meet you there (moral support). I feel like that's my second home!
  13. Why is it that the ones that seem to enjoy life the most, always up for an adventure, leave so young? {{{{{{{{{{Rita}}}}}}}}}}} Robin was one very special, unique individual.
  14. Go to the osteo thread in this forum. LOTS of information. I know when my girl had OS, it was extremely painful. But there are many others that didn't know that was anything wrong until the bone shattered. You will also find a plethura of information regarding a second opinion with Dr. Couto, different protocols, pain management, amputation. I hope it's nothing. (by the way, tick borne diseases also cause problems with joints, did you get that checked?)
  15. Red Bank has an onsite MRI. I think it's 6 of one 1/2 doz of the other. How about both? Then you have a '2nd' opinion. {{{{{{{ Denise and Vinny }}}}}}
  16. I hoped for better news. My Pearl lasted 3 weeks after her splenectomy. It was in her liver. The cancer grew at a centimeter a day. She was taking chemo, but we just didn't have enough time to let it work. I really hope you get a better outcome.
  17. Opal did that just a few months ago. Severe limp after getting up but she could warm up almost completely out of it. It was tendonitis. But still see the vet because mine said that if we weren't progressive with treating tendonitis, calcium can actually build up in the tendons. You'd end up with a permanent limp.
  18. My girls are currently due for their heartworm but Opal is on not one but two strong antibiotics (one of which is injectable). So no meds until after a couple weeks post antibiotic. Luckily, the mosquitoes are all gone now.
  19. MP_the4pack


    Aimee, I'm so very sorry that Shadow has gone to join so many other greys at the Bridge. It's never easy when they leave, but there's just something very special about the first. God speed Shadow. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go ye too shall dwell I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  20. Denise, if you decide to go see a neurologist, one of the best around is Dr. Glass at Red Bank. I took Onyx there many years ago. It's a bit of a ride, but so worth it. I've hear other people give him two thumbs up as well. Give Thyme a kiss for me.
  21. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I chose amp on a 12 yr old and she did splendidly for 6 months. OS then hit another leg. Only then did I lose her. She never had lung mets.
  22. I actually pointed that out to someone, that there's a reason I don't clean the glass!
  23. Could be spay incontinence. Both my younger girls (4 and 6) have unfortunately started. The 9 yr old is fine! But they're away and they just seem to 'leak' pee. They're on DSE. I give them a pill daily for a week then wean them down to what seems to be a good working dose. I go a couple of months with Tanzi before she needs another pill.
  24. that's good that you babygated her away from the others. You don't know how they will react. I hope she had a good day. {{{{{{{Denise and Vinny}}}}}}}} PS. Is there any chance she got into any of Miami's meds? Or anything outside?
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