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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Jeni and Python }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Jeni, it's never easy. It never will be. But she's just enjoying today with you, each and every day.
  2. Do you have steps? If so have you made a ramp? I found that once she tried the steps as a tripod she much prefered her ramp (I made it in a weekend before we went to OSU). But I do have 6 steps to get into the house from all entrances. Take a deep breath and have a large glass of wine before he comes home. He'll be fine.
  3. He was SO handsome. His face had a lot of character. I'm sorry he had to leave for the Bridge.
  4. Great news. I saw Diamond the next day, and while I was prepared for the missing limb, I wasn't prepared for the look on her face. The initial shock of where her leg went. But one day after that, she was resolved to being a tripod and motoring around.
  5. The problem is that one of the bacteria is highly resistant. There is only one antibiotic left that might work and I prefer to save it for any infection after surgery. The vet said he's never had anal incontinence or fistula, two of three complications. But he's had the occasional bleeding two days after. And unfortunately, both anal glands are infected. It's a tough call and I've talked with the vet at length. I'm going forward with the surgery. And the biggest reason is that this is enterococcus. Extremely resistant.
  6. Yes we cultured after the first two failed antibiotics. I asked them what is the use of the anal gland and they said it's more for marking than anything else. Not used for lubrication or anything like that.
  7. My Bwat needs surgery. We've been fighting anal gland infection for over a month now. We started on two antibiotics, and when they didn't work did a culture and ended up with two different antibiotics for 2 weeks each, one of which is a daily injection. Which she didn't like. We had a recheck last night and there was still blood in the glands, so we've made the decision to have them removed. It's not a big surgery like amputation or splenectomy. But she is 9 and any surgery is risky. She goes in next friday (6th). I'm going to be a nervous wreck. She had surgery this summer to remove dermal hemangiosarcoma, and last summer to have her leg plated. So, she's had plenty of surgeries. But........ sigh. That's the little stinker in the middle
  8. happy birthday to rooo happy birthday to ROOooooo Happy Birthday dear Silver Happy birthday to rooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO {{{{{{{{{Kim}}}}}}}}}}} Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Pearl, Diamond, Onyx, and Crystal with Brindle as maestro.
  9. Jeannine I do know you feel. I had to give Jade back and to me she's just as gone as if she went to the Bridge. Her mom suddenly stopped conversing with me. Don't know why but if it's because I was Jade's previous mom and she didn't feel comfortable, then I'll leave it at that.
  10. PS....gee I may have to charge extra with all the meds I have to remember to give your kids!
  11. Tendonitis can take a very long time to go away. I've had tendonitis in the elbow for close to 6 months before it finally went away.
  12. Zariel is SO handsome. I love the kissy spot on top of his head. So...any updates on Lexi and Zariel today?
  13. Rob, I still cry over my babies that I've lost 14 yrs ago. I'm so sorry at the loss of Lulu.
  14. My Onyx lived to 15.5. When younger she wasn't picky but as she got older she'd walk away from her dinner. She'd go for a couple of days without eating much but maybe treats. Just when I was about to call the vets, her appetite picked up and she ate like there was no tomorrow. She did this a lot for the last 2 years of her life. I am generous with the types of food, so boredom wasn't the cause. Her weight seems to be stable so that wasn't a concern. But if I worried she was not getting enough nutrients I'd give her an Ensure for weight gain. LOVED it.
  15. She knew how to "stop and smell the roses".
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