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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. a year already? It probably seems like a day in some respects, yet a decade in others.
  2. Been there done that! Went flying to the vets thinking my dog was dying and it was nothing (but expensive)
  3. MP_the4pack

    Unka Lee

    Oh Lori! I don't know what to say....
  4. Fourteen years ago today I was shocked. Heartbroken beyond belief. Who'd think a young goofy 5 yr old would die? (Liver disease). I was supposed to have her for another 10 yrs. She was supposed to live to 15! This was the start of Topaz's legacy. I adopted Onyx 3 weeks later. I thought it was karma since she was a smiley dog and so was Topaz and they both had gemstone names. But she wasn't Topaz. (Onyx is a legacy to Topaz being the first to be adopted after she died and to also be a smiley dog with a gem name) I searched and inquired about many goofy white/black girls over the next two years. There was always a hurdle: they didn't adopt to NJ, they don't like dog doors, etc. Then I saw Pretty Profit in Fla. No hurdles. And she fit the description of what I wanted to a 'T'. Thus entered, now named Pearl. The girl who turned out to be my heart and soul hound. I lost Brindle my first grey 2 weeks after I adopted Pearl. Brindle was only 8. Even though I wasn't thinking of having 3 dogs, I looked around the net at pictures and found Half Profit in the same group as Pearl was from. It was her littermate. How could I resist? So Diamond joined her sister Pearl. (Pearl is linked to Topaz thru color and personality, Diamond is linked to Topaz thru Pearl) For many years I had that three pack, and was happy. Still missed my Topaz and Brindle. Sometimes just perusing the adoption sites for fun, when I found an adorable, teeny tiny little white/black girl in Kansas. Once again, no hurdles. This little pipsqueak of a girl was kicked off the farm before her career even started. And she was called a firecracker. Also Devil Spawn. So, now that I have had 4 gemstones, I had to keep up the theme. What gem had fire in it? Opals of course. And that little stinker is still with me, 50 lbs soaking wet. (Opal is linked to Topaz thru color) Then I lost Pearl. At age 12 I can't complain especially since she had heart disease and hypertension. But...........sigh, she was my heart and soul. I adopted another white/black girl a month later. Jetta BB Alslots became Jade. Then I lost Diamond. A year after I lost Pearl, Onyx succumbed to the awful icy winter we had, and she went to the Bridge. Three babies in a year. (Jade was linked to Topaz thru Pearl and color) Weeks following Onyx's loss, Jade started to escape. And nothing I did to the fence could keep her in. Within a month of losing Onyx, I had to give Jade back. So now it's just Opal and me, and Opal was always the mother hen even though she was the youngest. She was always very concerned where her pack was. After being turned down for a little girl after being lead on to believe I was approved, I went online and once again was drawn to the white/black girls. And I found Tanzi at Monica's heart. (Tanzanite is linked by color and personality...she's quite a goofball) Last year I thought I'd like to get back up to 4 again but this time adopt a senior. I found Crystal Falcon...............TOPAZ'S NIECE!! Also white and black and looking very much like her Auntie. I lost her 18 days later. (she was 11) Opal is currently mothering a pack again with Tanzi and Emerald. Emerald is the only other grey aside from Brindle that was not a Topaz legacy. Topaz
  5. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Theresa }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I had so hoped Willie would make Christmas. The first one I ever lost was only 5 and she went to the Bridge 14 yrs ago today.
  6. Oh Michelle, how horrible. I've only had one OS girl and it was a front end. She was 12 and I did chose amp for her. I brought her out to OSU since they see so many greyhounds for their opinion on whether amp was an option for such an older dog. Dr. Couto said that 12 was only a number. She made it 6 months before OS hit another leg. I lost her a month and half after I lost her sister, my heart and soul hound, Pearl, so I do know your pain. Pearl's death was the beginning of losing 6 in 2 years. I've also had the misfortune of losing a young one too. I lost a 5 yr old (14 yrs ago today). Please remember, whatever decision you make, you make for love. I'm so sorry you're making this journey so soon after losing Dutch. (I adopted one of my current girls, Tanzi, from Monica's Heart)
  7. I'm so sorry Molly is gone. Your description is so similar to my first girl Brindle. But she sounds like she was a wonderful girl.
  8. I'm so glad I got to meet Miss Twiggy at GIG. I got to see her wonderful sassy personality. You go girl!
  9. Nope....I guess my hens don't like snow. this is their first!
  10. I'll have to try the diaper thing. But maybe not today as it's still snowing. But her foot is sore enough that she just isn't interested in moving right now. That suits me just fine.
  11. I came home last night and went out to see if there were any eggs in the chicken coop. All of the snow and almost all of the ice was gone and the back yard was just a big sloppy mess. Well Emma and Tanzi just thought that mud was the bestest thing to splat thru and they had a terrific run about the back yard. we come inside for dinner and I notice there is blood ALL over the floor. Tanzi cut her foot on probably the only piece of ice left back there. It's bad. So off to the vets. ( I was only just there last Sat, Fri, Thur, Wed and Tues for Opal) She took a couple of stitches to the top of her outside toe on the back foot. I think we cleared out the waiting room with her blood curdling GSOD when the vet gave her novacaine. Everyone heard it. So the vet wrapped it up tight and we came home. I'm working from home today not because of the snow but because she's a terrible patient and I don't want her to eat her bandage. Anyway. I went out to give the chickens fresh water and remove the frozen waterer. And with the 3 inches of new soft fresh snow, Tanzi and Emma took off. I thought we'd be ok since the wrap was on tight, it was huge and waterproof. But as we went back inside..........no wrap. Dangit!! So I had to rewrap it and she's whimpering all the while. What a big baby. Anyway she seems more uncomfortable than before so I thought maybe the wrap was too tight. And I went to redo it. She cried the entire time I was CUTTING the other wrap off. No pressure. Just cutting the outer wrap off. So, she is now sporting a much looser and larger wrap on her foot and she's just milking this for all it's worth. She's not moving because she can't get up. Oh lawdy. Can't put any weight on that foot. Now while it is a pretty bad cut, I've had worse and those greys didn't have a problem once the foot was wrapped. They were ready to go. Diamond's foot was practically degloved and she was able to get around easily. I just can't seem to get a break from not going to the vets. Thankfully, Tanzi is a different insurance so they're not going to drop me for too many claims. (I don't know if they do that or not....but Opal has had several claims for her butt problems)
  12. Yeah, she seems to be very comfortable today and I did not give her any pain med. She even went out in the snow and played a bit. But I kept it to a minimum. Her poor little shaved butt.
  13. I think she overdid it yesterday. She seems very subdued today. But with the crappy weather, I feel safe being here at work because no one will go outside to run.(it's icy and cold!) But the area still looked fine.
  14. She came home yesterday. Went outside immediately for a poop. (she's not the best to do her business on leash and she did nothing at the vets). Her backend is shaved and bruised. She was quiet yesterday but today I think the pain meds were making her feel very very good. So much so she chased her sisters around the yard today before I could stop her. That's why she's called "Da Bwat"!! But her back end is healing, no oozing or bleeding. So I think she'll heal fine without any complications.
  15. She's out of surgery, up, about and alert. The vet said that we did make the best decision. The glands were small and still in good shape. If we waited and they deteriorated the surgery would have been more difficult. But they came out easily and clean and he's predicting no complications. She is still staying overnight because they do need to monitor her and I am out of town this evening. But the vet was very pleased.
  16. Opal has been having trouble getting rid of an infection in her anal glands. And after 2 months and 4 different antibiotics we've decided to go ahead with surgical removal. The vet and I waited until this morning to make the final decision. He decided that the glands are still in good enough shape for a safer surgery. If the gland degradates, it's harder to get out. So...she's having a bilateral anal sackectomy. So I would appreciates good thoughts and prayers that she comes thru ok and she has no complications. Because I am going to NYC for a show tonight and not getting back until midnight, she's staying overnight at the hospital. It's only because I'm not around to pick her up not because she needs hospital care.
  17. I'm so glad he's home, doing well, and you're doing well too. It's traumatic for everyone, so it's good to hear such a wonderful update.
  18. Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry Phoenix is gone.
  19. Good thoughts for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery.
  20. That's a good idea to close off the dog door. My Diamond forgot she didn't have a front leg and tried to go down them, When she didn't think she could do it, she took a flying leap down 6 steps and crash landed on the cement patio. Can you say "HEART ATTACK". It was after that she decided to use her ramp. And two weeks does seem to be the magic number. Diamond had an infection of the surgical site and was on the pain meds for two weeks. When she was finally off the pain meds she seemed so much better. By the way, she was 12 when she had her surgery. And she did great!
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