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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I know how you feel. I'm ALWAYS nervous when they go under. Your Ruby is a very pretty little girl!
  2. I'm so sorry to hear the news. You are in good company, so many of us have been there already.
  3. I love the bed pix. Godspeed Casper
  4. I hope Lydia feels better. But look at the bright side.........look how feisty she is about all this at the ripe old age of 13.
  5. My 9 yr old Opal developed a limp on the right forearm in the summer. Of course I thought the worse, especially when it didn't go away. Turned out to be tendonitis which can take a very long time to heal. And if untreated may end up with calcium deposits in the tendon which cause permanent pain. A month of anti-inflamatories and rest did the trick for Opal.
  6. eggnog or Ensure for weight gain are popular with my girls. Also, you can ask your vet for something for her tummy. But you really don't want to stop the antibiotics early because that's how the antibiotic resistant bugs got started.
  7. He sounds like such a wonderful boy. I love the picture of him throwing the toy out of the bedroom. A memory you'll cherish forever. My little girl Emma also has a large white spot under her tail. RIP Ghost.
  8. {{{{{{{{{{{Tara}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm so very sorry Treetop's time has come.
  9. What an absolutely beautiful girl. That picture is just gorgeous. I loved the stories with her and Roman. RIP Millie.
  10. Glad you've got good news. And it seems these guys just love doing anything with their owners. Love his backpack!
  11. Oh Charla, I'm so very sorry you lost Gracie. She was such a beauty. And from your description, her personality was outstanding. A sad loss.
  12. I'm so glad to hear the news. Tell her I know how she feels. I fell down the steps (didn't see the thin layer of ice under the dusting of snow). I have a bruise on my but 4x6 inches! (good thing it's winter, it would show thru any thin summer fabrics! )
  13. OMG what a shock. He was too young still. Godspeed Ike.
  14. Missy sounds like she was such a wonderful girl. I'm so sorry she's gone.
  15. Haka was a handsome boy. I'm sorry he's gone.
  16. MP_the4pack


    I'm very sorry Pat. Doubles was something very special.
  17. I'm so sorry Dita left you do suddenly. She sounds like she was a wonderful girl.
  18. Pearl did that periodically. I hated it. But it didn't seem to bother her. And if I got her up and moving it seemed to stop it. She had heart disease and hypertension and passed from cancer. Nothing at all related to the shaking head.
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