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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. My Diamond lost 23 teeth at once. My local vet felt that if the teeth weren't loose they won't take them out. But you could put a toothpick between the roots of her molars the gum disease was so bad. So I took her to a dentist and she removed most of the teeth. She did have a horrible couple of days but once her mouth healed she was the happiest I ever saw her. And she had just enough teeth left to still eat milkbone biscuits. I recommend that if she has bad teeth, take them out. they'll only get worse later.
  2. I can't help you with the eye disease but I wanted to let you know she is one beautiful girl!!
  3. Diane, Matt was such a handsome man. I'm so sorry his time has come to go to the Bridge.
  4. Actually, more icy. All the snow is now packed down and is solid enough for them to run on without falling thru. It's about 6 inches deep. But not too slippery. Yesterday they all had a really good run. the first in weeks. And ended up crashing on their beds for the rest of the day. Exhausted. Opal's boo-boo leg is all healed except for a small knot. And looking at the back feet of my other two, it looks to be exactly where the large vein splits into two. So I'm betting she blew that vein. thanks for asking.
  5. Awwwww, he looks so content with his sibling. Happy Gotcha Day Freddy!!!
  6. The swelling is all gone and she is left with a 'knot' on the front of the leg between the hock and foot. It it were a human it would the equivalent of the top of your foot. So, I'm guessing that chasing the birds on Sat, she bruised it on the ice. Nothing like a scare to keep the heart pumping.
  7. Awww look how she holds her bowl. Continued good thoughts for that sweet little old lady!
  8. He had such a rough beginning, he was way too young to go. He needed to stay around to enjoy his wonderful home more. I'm glad you stuck with him. I'm so very sorry he's gone.
  9. Oh, no, not beautiful Sequoia.
  10. Ok, I held off going to the vets tonight because when I got home from work I could actually see her toes. The swelling is way down. Not 100% but still way down, so I'm going to watch it. Especially since it really doesn't seem to be bothering her. She has been out in the snow and tried to chase some birds (she chases big hawks flying around). And we have ice crusted foot deep snow right now, so it absolutely can be soft tissue. I just couldn't illicit any painful reaction from her. So I'm just sitting and waiting. It'd be nice not to spend more money on vets, I JUST paid off the last payment on my Care Credit from Opal's last big vet bill.
  11. Opal's left rear paw from the hock to her toes is swollen. Started Sat. We are going to the vets tonight but just wondering what your opinions are. It doesn't seem to be sore. It may bother her a tad, but she's walking and trotting just fine. She already has a funny gait in the back because her other foot is fused. So that might hide any slight limp she has. I've poked and prodded and don't seem to elicit any pain reaction from her. She's stoic but not THAT stoic. And I doubt it's a bug bite because I still have two feet of snow outside. Don't see any cuts. Haven't seen any spiders or other bugs inside. If it was an infection I think it would be way worse by now. It's not hot to the touch. Any ideas?
  12. I have tears in my eyes. I do remember that awful time when he died. You were on a horrid roller coaster. We all celebrated when Lazer was declared healthy. I'm sorry he's gone.
  13. I never had a pup, nor feed raw, so I can't answer your question. But he is ADORABLE!!!!!
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