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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I can't help you medically but I noticed....he's half brother to my Emerald (Carlita Henry)
  2. Oh Matt I'm so sorry. She was gorgeous.
  3. Oh Jay! I was surprised to see her here. I'm so sorry.
  4. He was a big boy and left a big hole in your heart. I'm sorry
  5. I'm so very sorry. I wish there was more I could say or do.
  6. {{{{{{Toni}}}}}} I'm so very sorry you lost Get Em. He was a very special boy.
  7. The look on her face shows that she is pain free and happy. I'm so glad she's doing well.
  8. I'm so very sorry! It's my worst nightmare. Don't beat yourself up. I had the tieback done on my 11 yr old girl and she lived to 15.5. My sister did not do the surgery for her golden retriever, and that dog suffered for 2 yrs.
  9. Have you thought about chiropractic or acupuncture treatments? I swear by them. In 1990 I bought the once in a lifetime showhorse (Secretariat's nephew). Less than a month after I bought him, he did yahoos outside in the pasture and really tweaked his back. He was unrideable. For three months I had vets working on him. I even accidentally blistered his back with one of the treatments. That poor horse was in so much pain. But worse, I just spent thousands on him and I couldn't even sell him to get my money back. someone at the barn suggested a chiropractor, and I laughed. But she pointed to her horse who had a crosstie accident breaking her back. And she was back to 100%. So I called. The vet/chiro came out and performed a couple of adjustments for the first week or so, then we went to monthly adjustments. He hadn't been rideable in 3 months but he was back to jumping within 1 month after treatments. I did keep up regular adjustments for as long as I rode him, but I switched to every other month. That's not necessary but it helps keep their backs in alignment.
  10. She was a beautiful, beautiful girl. Love her ears.
  11. Matt, I'm so sorry to hear the horrid news. If you want to post a pix, the pix would need to be on photobucket or flicker...some public place like that. Then it's easy to post.
  12. I have 6 at the Bridge, only one died of old age. One died at 5 from liver disease, three had cancer of the spleen and one had OS. Whether I post in H&M or not, these are my own numbers.
  13. It's been just about 4 yrs now I think. I wasn't on the original thread because I had already lost my Diamond to it. But I think it was started just months later.
  14. My Topaz had protein losing enteropathy. I was taking her to a specialty clinic and they were all working on it being an intestinal disease (Lymphangiectasia or Chrones). I went to U of Penn where they did a liver function test.(this is not the liver tests that are the routine tests done, that's liver enzymes.) Her liver enzyme tests were completely normal, the liver function tests were completely off the charts. While this was just supposed to be a second opinion for her, they told me she wasn't going to make it to the weekend. (this was Thursday). I lost her there. So you might want to make sure it's not liver disease.
  15. Denise I can't even imagine losing so many at once. I had a hard time dealing with just two losses within 2 months.
  16. She reminds me so much of my Onyx, who I had until 15.5! I hope you end up with many more years with her.
  17. I have used chiropractors for my pets since 1990. First my horses then my dogs. It has helped a lot.
  18. I do feel for them. My pocketbook has gotten very tight over the past several years. All I can say is what I've done. I've chosen to continue with vet care and tests, and put the vet bills on the Care Credit card. If I couldn't do the payments necessary to pay off the card in time before the promotional period was up, I transferred the balance to another of my credit cards that had the 0% financing for a year for balance transfers. Then I went out and got a second job. I live alone. It was my only option. I'm not telling anyone to get a second job. I'm just saying that's what I chose to do. But it doesn't have to be waitressing or anything like that. Can they sell stuff on ebay? Make collars? Chop fire wood and sell in front of the house under the honor system? Dog sit whippets? Write resumes for people looking for jobs? Can be anything just to bring in a little extra cash just to pay that bill.
  19. Oh I am so sorry!!! It's hard enough losing one to this horrid disease but that on top of having lost two others in such a short time is unimaginable.
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