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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. There are portable AC units that are really affordable and small and easy now. I have several. They are on wheels. There's just a hose to vent out the window. They start at about $200. When weather is nice, just remove hose from window and roll into a closet. this might be an option.
  2. Thank you for sharing. I lost a 5 yr old to PLE 15 yrs ago. Half the doctors said it was the intestines, the other half the liver. Now i wish I had done an autopsy to know for sure.
  3. I can't say for sure, and moving within a state seems odd to raise rates. But rates can change from state to state. Simply because vet care in the northeast like NJ, Mass, NY is way more expensive than say KS or OK or Nebraska. But within a state I can't help. Why not call? I'd be interested to hear what they say.
  4. I'm so sorry Harry joined this unpleasant club. But, he does look fantastic. I hope he thrives.
  5. I lost my sisters 2 months apart. It hurts so much to lose one, but two............
  6. I can't help at all with your little guy. But I had a friend with endometriosis, which she said was adhesions. And she was in chronic pain. So all I can do is guess that if humans feel pain, then animals would too. But they probably won't tell us.
  7. She's gorgeous. Welcome from Central NJ
  8. How long will it take? Depends on how picky you are. If you want a cat-safe, small dog safe, kid safe, young tiny fawn female with an outgoing personality............that may take a while. If you want a big black boy, no other restrictions, you'll have him the next day. And WELCOME! (I'm in NJ)
  9. How about chiropractic or acupunture? I take my girls for chiro regularly.
  10. I'm so glad she's doing well. I too hope she has many ampiversaries to come.
  11. I had an 11 yr with LP. This really doesn't sound like it to me.
  12. My 12 yr old had OS and I chose the amp route. She did very well for 6 months until she got OS in another leg. I currently am dog sitting a tripod (not OS, just a bad break) And he's doing just fine as a tripod. Just thoughts for you as you need to make decisions.
  13. How terrifying!! But I'm so glad his personality is back and he's almost normal.
  14. I hope Jayne feels better soon. Disc problems are sore. I'm sorry to hear about Max. I chose amp for my 12 yr old. But I had Dr. Couto and the OSU team determine if at that age she was a candidate because she was a young 12. When she developed OS in another leg, I let her go on the xray table.
  15. He was too young. I'm so sorry. I too lost a 5 yr old. I brought her in with protein losing enteropathy. Turned out her liver was non-functioning. Her liver enzyme test were always ok, it wasn't until we did a liver function test that the values went flying thru the roof. I took her to U of Penn for a second opinion. She never made it home.
  16. I'm so sorry. That was so sudden. I see he just missed his 8th BD. That's too young.
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