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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I also am nodding towards an abscessed tooth. My Pearl was misdiagnosed with myocytis and put on prednisone which is one of the worst things for a hypertensive dog. Found out it was one of the tiny teeth way in the back that was abscessed. We took the chance and had it removed. She was high risk surgery with her hypertension and heart disease. But once out.......she was good as gold. I hope that's it and not something worse. Prayers for Snow.
  2. I was a Med Tech and worked in a lab for 20 yrs. I'd get a fresh sample and do it again. It could have been either the lab or the sample.
  3. I lost my Diamond when OS hit one of her three remaining legs too.
  4. Sorry, I can help only if you're in NJ. But she is ADORABLE!!!
  5. I'm so sorry Irene. Paul was such a handsome boy.
  6. Rue was a very pretty girl. (came from the same group as my Tanzi). I'm sorry she's gone. One of the worst things to ever happen is for a parent to outlive a child, yet us pet owners go thru it many times in a lifetime.
  7. We'll keep all fingers, toes and paws crossed here in NJ for Huston.
  8. All those points that you mentioned that you should have gone to the vets.... I looked at and thought "Opal did that, or Tanzi did this" I'm on the frequent flyer program to my vets. I don't need speed dial, my fingers mover faster than that. But I would not bring my dogs to the vets for anything you mentioned. It all points to maybe an upset tummy or itchy skin. But I am truly sorry about two such tragic losses so close together, especially since Duke was still young.
  9. My Onyx did very well up til that horrid icy winter. She always had 6 steps to do to get in and out of the house. And I think that was one of the things that kept her back end going. I also gave her Ensure to help keep her weight. She didn't seem to have arthritis, so really wasn't in obvious pain. She lived to 15.5
  10. When I researched moving my two to new insurance companies I narrowed it down to Healthy Paws, Trupanion and Embrace. Lots of options and pricing. I did not take my 10 yr old off of VPI because of her age. But I did have a chance to compare apples to apples last year. Opal (VPI) and Tanzi(Healthy Paws) both got into the same trouble. Both went to the ER just 3 hrs apart. Their crates were side by side. Same hospital, same doctors, same meds, same treatment, same diagnosis.......same time discharged. I hadn't used Healthy Paws yet so still had the deductible. They don't pay the office visit (which I knew that exact amount). And they pay 90% (my chosen option) of the bill. I had used VPI already so had met the yearly deductible. They give me a percent of what THEY think is the right price. I got back from Healthy Paws $300 more than I got back from VPI. VPI was good way back when it was one of the only insurers. But they stink now. I love Healthy Paws.
  11. I hope Duke can turn the corner. Whatever decision you have to make please remember, it's out of love, so no decision is wrong.
  12. It's so heartwrenching to lose them. He sounds very very special.
  13. OH, and the day after his 12th BD. I'm so sorry. I have an affinity for the cowdoggies, and was definitely a very handsome boy.
  14. {{{{{{{{{Judy}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm so sorry you lost Arrow and so soon after you had to give Baby back.
  15. She could have swallowed some of the spray too. If her mouth was open when she got hit. I think that would upset her tummy as well.
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