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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. She was a very beautiful girl. I love that last pix of you two together. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go, ye too shall dwell I am gone before you face A moment's time, a little space When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept. (anonymous)
  2. Poor Joe! But I'm glad it's just because he won't let you touch him and not something worse. Within 2 minutes I had 3 burrs in 2 dogs! DAMN those things hurt to take out too. My fingers were so sore. I ended up using a poop bag to grab hold and pull (it still sent thru the bag!)
  3. Even after 7 yrs...............it still hurts.
  4. He looks terrific! He sounds like a go-getter so I think the biggest challenge will be to have him tone it down from doing some stuff that he's not quite ready for yet.
  5. Judy, I'm so sorry. Nine is still too young for them to go even though they are 'considered seniors'. He was a handsome boy.
  6. I have a midsized SUV (4Runner), and while it does fit "a" crate, I currently have 3 girls. So no I don't transport them in crates. Yes that is the safest method, but I've never done it. I've also have gone on lots of GURs and never did they ask for the dogs to be crated.
  7. My Diamond jumped off the deck onto the cement patio which is 6 steps the first day back. She beat me to the steps before I could stop her. I thought for sure she broke her one front leg. She did turn out to be fine. But I closed off those steps and built a ramp off to the side. When I had to do steps into the garage, I held her harness and forced her to do them helping her down the whole time (just 4 steps). When she first became a tripod, I did use a harness to help her but after 2 weeks she was on her own. She went out the dog door, used her ramp, and ran around the back yard. Since they hop, I used a harness and put the ID tags there because otherwise she was constantly hitting herself with the tags or leash clip on her collar. I don't know if she would ever have gotten her stamina up to the point of doing our normal walks again if she had more than 6 months, but it takes a lot more energy to hop on 3 legs than 4. And in 6 months we were never able to quite do the full walk. Tripods do tire out faster. You may never do your full walking routine again. But Diamond was happy and she could still run and chase critters. One more thing. I was all prepared to see her without a leg, but I wasn't prepared for her look of shock at suddenly being without a leg. She adjusted to being a tripod within a day, but I was mortified at her facial expression when she first realized her leg was gone. That hurts. Yet now knowing that, I still know I did the right thing.
  8. Best of luck. I chose the amp route on a 12 yr old. It was the right decision, she had a terrific 6 months before OS hit another leg. It was $3000 for me, I drove to OSU from NJ to see Dr Couto. If you go that route, be prepared, the first 2 weeks are the absolute worse. They are anxious, in a fog, and you will wonder if you did the right thing. Try to make it past that 2 week mark and suddenly they seem to do so much better. Then they act as if they've always had three legs and you start chasing them down to keep them from running full speed. Remember, whatever decision you make, pallative or amp............it's the right decision. Because you make it out of love.
  9. I'm SO SO Very sorry to hear the news. At least you know though, that there isn't any other option. You will have peace knowing that you made the right choice.
  10. my girls attack me when Eggnog season comes. That puts on weight. Start easy since it is so rich, but it's pretty much egg, sugar and cream. And if you want better control, make it yourself with less sugar and maybe 1/2 & 1/2. Not as weight gaining but also not as rich.
  11. She sounds like a fighter. Take it day by day. Many time people have said "they let me know it was time".
  12. If she gets a clean bill of health, give her Ensure for weight gain. At least it will help keep her weight up.
  13. When Opal gets her thyroid tests done, its dependent completely on the timing of her thyroid meds. So since he's on no meds, he doesn't have to.
  14. I swear by my chiropractor if you think of going that route as well.
  15. When I got my Hearty, the current owner had two horses, and was selling one. She chose to sell Hearty and keep the other one. Well I got the good deal. the other one was nuts. He'd be calm and easy to ride, easy to handle one minute. And then just like someone flipped a light switch, he'd go wacky. Stopped dead in the middle of a cross country trial and it took everyone over an hour to just get him off the course so that the trial could continue. Another time he danced on the hood of a Mercedes. I don't know what happened to him, but he scared the bejesus out of me.
  16. keeping fingers crossed that Oscar improves 100%
  17. Happy 19th Birthday, Onyx. (9/22/95) I hope you're having a big celebration with all the other Bridgekids. She loved sleeping in the tall grass and thick clover in her back yard. I will always miss you. Love Momma.
  18. Ensure for weight gain might be something he'd like. at the holidays, my girls always get egg nog. They love it. But introduce that in small amounts as it is rich. But guarenteed to put weight on.
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