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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. She was beautiful. I'm so sorry that horrible OS took her.
  2. My Diamond lost 23 in one shot. She had a few teeth left, maybe 3. Once she healed from that she was fine. In fact she ate a lot better once her mouth was feeling all better. The only thing I didn't give her to eat were the big hard milkbone biscuits.
  3. Jeannine, Do you think you'll ever adopt another?
  4. Get his blood pressure checked. My girl had the same thing. Eyes moving rapidly, but did not fall over, lasted just a couple minutes. I already knew she had a BP problem and she was on meds. I called her cardiologist who said bring her in now. Her BP was over 200. To high even for white-coat syndrome (fear of doctors in white coats). Her BP was never controlled well, but it was monitored closely (she passed away from cancer at age 12)
  5. If the spleen has not ruptured yet, the survival rate of splenic cancer is very high. But once it ruptures you have only weeks. I've lost three to this horrible disease. But in all three cases it was already too late. But if you caught it in time, she will feel terrific. Good luck.
  6. thank them for doing a post mortem, it will help us if we have similar problems. And thank you for posting it for us.
  7. Poor Izzy. My Emma has a tooth (small one between canine and molar) broken at the base and she doesn't seem bothered by it. But I've been told to have it checked by a dentist because of the potential for infection.
  8. We have someone on this board with a girl who celebrated her 3rd yr amp anniversary. Average post amp survival is either a year or 18 mos. My 12yr old made it 6mos. But those were good pain free mos. Unless your boy has a physical problem where he cannot manage as a tripod I would not automatically drop that option. Dr Couto will be able talk to you about that too. I took my girl to OSU when Dr Couto was there and he saw my girl. He told me that she would do well as a tripod.
  9. Please convey my condolences. She was too young.
  10. Dr Couto has started a new greyhound wellness called greyhound health initiative. I think I got the name right. Dr Couto spoke about it at GIG last year.
  11. Why not go straight to the horse's mouth and ask Dr. Couto?
  12. Zinny was a beautiful girl. I'm so very sorry. And it sucks that you lost her Xmas day.
  13. She bounced into the right home.
  14. Tanzi was nosing around the package and I tried to get a pix of it for you but she moved at the last minute. I am away for the next few days and will download the pix when I get back.
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