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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'm sorry you're going thru this. Unfortunately, it sounds just like the way I lost my Pearl. She had fibrosarcoma of the spleen, not hemangio, but the outcome was the same. I had it removed, the liver was already compromised. I had her 3 weeks post op. She had only one good day during that time. I should never have had the splenectomy surgery. Or I should have let her go soon afterwards. I so hope I'm wrong.
  2. If they are infected, it could still bother them. I ended up having to have Opal's removed because we couldn't get rid of the infection.
  3. Between Dec 1999 and July 2000 I spent $15,000. Lost one dog and the other lived for another year. And nothing was extraordinary care to keep a dying dog alive. It was mostly tests to find out what was wrong. I didn't have insurance. But I scraped together every penny I had to get insurance on my remaining grey after that. Back then it was VPI and they were pretty good. They didn't exclude anything. Back then they were actually pretty good. VPI has hit rock bottom. In fact I changed Tanzi and Emma over to Healthy Paws from VPI, but because Opal was 10, she stayed with VPI. When I sent in the claim for cremation, they had enough information to automatically cancel the policy but not enough to pay the claim. Unbelievable. It is hard enough dealing with the loss of a beloved member of the family then to have to fight stupid insurance. I was ready to reach thru the phone and strangle the person on the other end. Thankfully it got resolved and I got my claim. $130 of a $475 bill. sigh.
  4. She was such a beautiful little girl. Her face was so expressive. I'm so sorry she is gone.
  5. The Heavenly Gemtones will roo a happy birthday to her. They are a choir of 7 now.
  6. The first greyhound I lost was to liver disease. She developed ascities (bloated belly). Her liver enzymes were fine but when they did the liver function tests they were so far off the charts they were almost unreadable. The only thing I noticed before the ascities set in was that she seems a little tired for a 5 yr compared to her 6 yr old sister. She passed away at 5. (this was 1999)
  7. She's a beautiful girl. I'm sorry she lost the battle.
  8. Besides all the good advice, have you had him checked by a vet? Low thyroid can cause aggression. Pain can too. It would be good to rule out any physical problems.
  9. My Diamond ended up losing all but some of her canines. 23 at once. After she healed from that she did great! A noticeable improvement from before her surgery. The dentist put some kind of bone filler in the gaps to help keep the jaw from deteriorating. it worked just great. She never had trouble eating after that.
  10. When I grew up with a dog there were not a lot of treatments. So vet care really wasn't expensive. But nowadays everything has a specialist. And that is what is so costly. Also doesn't sound like you have a good insurance company. Are there any others you can chose from?
  11. whatever you do, do NOT get VPI. It's hard enough to deal with the death of a dog, but now I have to fight to get just the cremation reimbursement that they said I could get. REALLY. I don't want to have to fight over this since my girl is gone. Thank goodness I have HP for the other twol You know what's interesting, VPI really wasn't that bad before Nationwide bought them out. So.....makes me wonder if I should never take Nationwide as an insurance for anything else.
  12. You have a very beautiful family there Robin.
  13. VPI sucks. I was able to switch over my two younger dogs to Healthy Paws, the older one was stuck with VPI. But it really is so worth it. My Pearl who passed in 2010 was diagnosed with heart disease and hypertension when she was 5-6 yrs old. We maxed out on claims for most of her life. So the insurance company wasn't too pleased having her as a client. She lived to 12 yrs old and passed from cancer. Her sister was opposite. Funny but the insurance company didn't cover her because she had ehrlichia before I adopted her. Said she was high risk. She had NO vet bills until she was 12. Then she had one huge bill, OS amputation. that was $3000. So, for her I probably would have paid out way more than that over the years. Too bad VPI didn't insure her, they would have made enough money to balance off Pearl's claims. their loss. I have Healthy Paws now. Emma hasn't needed it at all yet, but Tanzi has had a few 4 figure vet bills. For two dogs (age 5 and 7) I pay $116/month with 90% reimbursement and $100 deductible.
  14. I'm glad Zander made it thru ok. Here's hoping for many more years with him.
  15. Opal, my Little Bwat, I am so sorry I wasn't there to save you, protect you. You still had many years of life left, it was cut too soon. The last picture of her modeling her Christmas gift Surveying her kingdom With her sisters in the SUV She loved her toys Contemplating her feet at Dewey Tickle me!! I so miss you so very much
  16. He'll do just fine. And will compete with Twiggy for the longest ampuverary.
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