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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. He looks terrific!! And sounds like he's acting better post-op than many other with that surgery.
  2. I just wanted to let you know, I went the amp route with a 12 yr old. She was physically able to move around on three legs. And she shocked her vets at how well she adapted and recovered. I took her to OSU when Dr. Couto was there. He said age is only a number.
  3. He's the second of my 3 SS this year to leave for the Bridge. Run free and healthy Magic.
  4. I have had two of 10 greys with low thyroid. They had the full panel and the results pointed to that. They both had subtle signs like easy weigh gain. But the question really is.... Is low thyroid normal for greyhounds or are greyhounds prone to low thyroid? (Like GSD are prone to hip dipslasia). Like it or not, there is a lot of interbreeding and low thyroid can be hereditary. I hope the soloxine work for Jeff.
  5. Ok, so? It's 11 AM! Anxiously waiting.
  6. way to go Taylor. Too bad he isn't home already. But it's better for you. The first two weeks are very hard on the human.
  7. Bummer. Hopefully he'll come home tomorrow. I know my food hound wasn't that hungry at first either. I think it's a mix of the pain meds and the shock of surgery.
  8. That sucks that she passed just a week after her BD last year.
  9. I'm glad he made it thru surgery ok. May the next two weeks fly by and he becomes his normal self in no time.
  10. Topaz had PLE due to liver disease. Liver enzymes were normal but liver function tests were way off the charts. One value 10 times normal. However she was also only 5 yrs old.
  11. Thinking of you today. Please remember, the first two weeks are the hardest. Don't second guess yourself at least during that time. Just support her. Then suddenly she will seem back to normal with just a hitch in her giddyup.
  12. Today I should be celebrating Opal's 11th BD. Not mourning her loss. She should be here. She shouldn't be at the Bridge. I should be bringing home a Boston Market Pot pie for her tonight in celebration. Not sitting here crying.
  13. I'm so sorry. Your experience was identical to mine with my Pearl. I so wanted the chemo to work, but the cancer was too hot.
  14. I chose amp for a 12 yr old. Even at that age she bounced back and had a good 6 mos before OS hit another leg. The first two weeks are the hardest on the humans as they are whiny and restless. But once off pain meds and recovered from the surgery they're ready to take on the world.
  15. I did an amp on a 12 yr old (front leg). She recovered very quickly, and had a happy pain free 6 more months. But unfortunately OS hit another leg.
  16. I so remember doing this with my Pearl. It's heartwrenching. It sucks.
  17. Tanzi had a dental a few days ago and lost some teeth too. She said the ice cream Momma gave her really really helped. Poor Dood.
  18. You know, I gave my 15 yr old a dental back in 2011. Her back end never recovered from that either.
  19. I'm so very sorry. Fibro is a very hot cancer. I don't think you have 2-3 months. Pearl's liver masses grew a centimeter a day. What did not show up on xrays the day of surgery were 21 centimeters 3 weeks later.
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