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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Normal. Most of the greys I've had, had this.
  2. Did she do something that would have caused enough stress to fracture the bone? I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but there are have been several instances on this board where there was a fracture "not cancer" when it actually was. Did a radiologist or oncologist read the film? I really hope you are correct!
  3. If she is struggling but not in real obvious pain, just discomfort, she's probably not ready. But it is probably close. I see some are saying it's time now, and others are saying not yet. Only you can truly know if she's ready. I was too late with my Pearl but too early with my Nana. But I can't do anything about it now. They are both gone and I've moved on. Remember, whatever your choice, it's out of love for Tess.
  4. The OP hasn't been back on since the day she posted this.
  5. I'm really sorry to hear the news. I hope it's not OS. I adopted Crystal, (she wasn't my first, nor was she young) but at the time of adoption she seemed healthy. I lost her to hemangiosarcoma 18 days later. It hurts just as bad as having one for 15 yrs. Her picture is my wallpaper on my work computer. That crap above is just that. Crap. It doesn't take long at all to fall in love with these wonderful hounds. If it is bad news, what about the Go Fund Me page? Or, do you have Care Credit? It's interest free for several months just as long as you pay it off in that time frame. (if you can't pay if off in the no-interest time frame then transfer to another credit card because they do wallop you otherwise. How else could they make money) Also, if you are lucky and it's nothing........GET INSURANCE! Healthy Paws, Embrace, and Trupanion are good ones. I think another is Pet Plan, but not sure.
  6. In the famous words of Goldilocks. he is JUST right!
  7. I wish you the best of luck with the surgery. Please remember, the first two weeks are the hardest.......ON YOU. He may be whiney, agitated, uncomfortable, just not himself. Many of us think it's more the medication than the pain. Once you can get past that point, he will become his normal self. I had an amp done on a 12 yr old, and I've never regretted it. She ran around for 6 months painfree and full of life. (OS then hit another leg)
  8. Um, does he ever go "right side up"? He always seems to be 'upside down".
  9. What a handsome boy. I hope it turns out to be nothing.
  10. I currently have a tripod that I dogsit. When he first lost his leg he would forget and try to run full speed and act as if he still had 4 legs. But he has become conservative now and while he'll still play, he does hang back from the pack. When I had a 12 yr old an OS amp, she too was going full speed but after about a month or so realized she can't go that fast and kind of hung back. Your boy will probably do the same. So you may have to crate to start with until he realizes he still doesn't have 4 legs. But I think he'll get the hang of it eventually. I'm sorry you're facing this. Good luck.
  11. My Brindle was rushed to the hospital with labored breathing. She was admitted with an idiopathic spontaneous pneumorthorax. She was placed in an oxygen crate and had several liters of air pulled out of her chest cavity. They kept her for over a week and she had no more incidents after that. She passed a year later of hemangio and I've often wondered if the two were connected. this was in 2001.
  12. Browning is normal. And pannus generally looks like white clouds on the cornea. I hope that is nothing. good luck
  13. The look on his face tells you that he is comfortable and pain free. And that he loves you.
  14. I'm so sorry. I unfortunately know how you feel. I lost 5 in 2 years.
  15. Mark, you have a handsome pair of lads! Taylor looks wonderful.
  16. I wonder if he's picking up on your "getting married" stress.
  17. I would remove it because she is not going to get younger, and it is not going to go away by itself. Eventually the eye will get damaged, cause her pain, and will probably cost you more to fix that. I do understand about finances, that's why I dogsit greyhounds only for extra cash. At least I have a little bit stashed now for situations just like this.
  18. I have found that dentist costs more than GPs. And also, location. The northeast is famous for being expensive. My 7 yr old just had a dental with 2 extractions, it was under $400. When my 15 yr old went to the dentist (because she never lost a patient to anesthesia) and her specialty was elder and special needs dogs, that cost me $3000. But I'd do that all over again. the 15 yr old survived the dental (she just didn't survive the winter the following month)
  19. welcome to GT! it could also be a splinter. They can be way itchy and painful.
  20. Pearl's cardiologist use to have the BP stuff all ready for us so we would walk in, straight thru the waiting room and into the exam room and get done. THEN after the BP we would check in 'officially'. The vet said that even if the reading is high, if there is hypertension, it would be way higher than white-coat syndrome.
  21. Was his BP checked? Hypertension can be a cause which is easily treated.
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