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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. {{{{{{Anne}}}}}}}}}} what a horrible shock. I just don't know what else to say.
  2. Use both a cover on the neck and a sock on the foot. Because a foot can still make it thru anything you put on the neck. He's a very handsome lad though!
  3. So true. My Topaz chased after a deer in the field the day before she died of liver disease. With the way she ran I figured she can't be that sick. Until the next day. And my tripod Diamond ran full speed in my yard (1 acre) until cancer hit another of her legs as well. And I do remember the look of ecstasy on my 15 yr old Onxy as she ran around the yard in her old lady gallop. She's been gone 5 yrs now and I can still see it plain as day.
  4. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. I'm sorry she's gone.
  5. I'm sorry. The first grey I lost was to liver disease too. She was 5.
  6. Don't settle for half. Maybe if he was a nice person, very apologetic, willing from the start to pay, you could be nice and settle. But he's being a real jerk (I could use stronger language but I don't want to lock your thread). Go for the full vet and human medical bills. And add some pain and suffering to boot!
  7. Do you have a basement? My girls and I have been sleeping down there during this heatwave (in NJ). The AC is just a window unit and too loud for me to sleep. During the day one of my girls goes downstairs on her own to sleep in the coolness while I'm at work.
  8. Angel is in the Boston area if I'm not mistaken. But Jen is right, there are a ton of really great vets and hospitals. Dr Couto is in mid Pa now. I'm guessing but I think maybe 6-8 hrs away, which really isn't bad. I drove 10 hrs from NJ to Ohio to see him when he was at OSU. I hope things turn out ok. He's such a young pup. Handsome too.
  9. If that owner had to wrestle that dog,he knew that the dog was vicious. How many other times had it attacked? At the minimum it should be treated as a vicious dog, like always wearing a muzzle when out. I'm glad the both of you are healing.
  10. She looks so much like her half sister Jade (used to be mine but I had to give up). She was absolutely gorgeous. I'm sorry she's gone.
  11. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Janet }}}}}}}}}}}
  12. I saw that she wasn't feeling well. I'm sorry she's gone. That first pix shows how happy she was to be with you.
  13. MP_the4pack


    I was hoping she'd have many more months as a tripod. I'm so sorry.
  14. Rita, he was very handsome. I'm sorry you lost him.
  15. I chose amp for my Diamond. She was 12. Nita will do great. I hope you get many more years.
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