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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. She's beautiful. I hope you can get better news.
  2. Maybe this topic should be moved to Everything Else as this forum is for lost dogs.
  3. To add insult to injury, the last thing I needed with VPI was to pay for Opal's cremation. Her death was traumatic as it was. I sent VPI the information which apparently was good enough to automatically cancel the policy but not good enough for a claim payment. I had to call up and complain when I got the rejection notice. Yes they did eventually pay, but I didn't need that last bit of issue.
  4. A little background...since 2000 I have had VPI insurance. At that time they were a good (and probably the only) pet insurer. Over the years they got worse and worse. When I adopted Tanzi and Emma in 2011 I had had enough of VPI and looked around at the others that had popped up since 2000. I decided on Healthy Paws. I sent in an email with Tanzi's bills. That was pretty much it. I knew the $40 office visit would not be paid. I also knew that I had 90% coverage. (Deductible was already covered earlier) I was shocked. I got exactly what I thought I was going to get!! 90% of the bill minus $40. I never knew what VPI was going to pay and had many an unpleasant surprise. Often receiving less than 50% of a bill that should have been 80%. Tanzi's stitches aren't even out yet and the HP check is in the mail.
  5. What a wonderful tribute. (dang allergies)
  6. Keep us posted. Unfortunately the three dogs I had that ended up with splenic tumors acted like that as well. But to keep you upbeat, my 6 yr old was also acting the same way this past weekend. I was starting to panic when I realize she had a hematoma on her rib. I think a deer kicked her because I have pear trees in the back and the deer are now coming into the yard. She's actually feeling better now. So maybe White Out just pulled a muscle in a bad place.
  7. While it always hurts to lose one of these babies, when they're this young, there's an extra sharp pang in the heart at their loss.
  8. I can't help. But I'm sorry you are going thru this.
  9. Wonderful!! That's some serious PTS there!
  10. Beautiful siblings. I hope everything turns out good for you.
  11. 75 is still young. Sorry to hear that he passed.
  12. Could be the food. Some foods just seem to go thru the system faster without putting any meat on their bones.
  13. I've only known the other liver test as liver function. I'm not sure if it's the bile acid test. But the huge hospital in Red Bank is excellent. Another terrific hospital is VSEC in PA. They're probably both an hour away for you but worth it for at least a second opinion. (I'm just a hop, skip and a jump away from you near Flemington)
  14. Vinnie's results are different from the liver disease that took my girl. Her enzymes were normal, her liver function tests were off the charts. I hope he does OK. There are a couple of good clinics around you if want a second opinion or specialist.
  15. Diamond was going to do that protocol too but she developed a limp before her second xrays were due. It was OS in one of her remaining legs. She went to the Bridge right there on the xray table. Her lungs were always clear.
  16. Yup. My Pearl had that. It was misdiagnosed as myocitis, but turned out to be an abscessed tooth. One of the tiny ones way in the back of her mouth.
  17. I had 4 smilers over the years. I lost my last one 4 years ago. I've made it a goal to find another one for hopefully my next dog.
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