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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. If you'd like to be an elf for the Secret Santa this year please go to the Secret Santa forum. Instructions are in the thread. Ask any questions in that thread please.
  2. I'm posting here to make sure everyone is aware we have Secret Santa this year. Signup deadline is Halloween. Thread is in subforum Secret Santa under EVENTS.
  3. {{{{{{{{ Leah }}}}}}}} Walter was one of my favorite boys. I loved watching him and Ernest T tearing around my back yard. And to see his face light up when you came to pick him up, you could tell just how much he worshipped you. My heart breaks with yours.
  4. I have 9 at the Bridge. Whatever you do, do not second guess your decision or timing. It'll only eat you up. Just remember, you did it out of love for him. I'm sorry for your loss. He was very handsome. Sweet face. You can see his love for you in his eyes.
  5. Official Secret Santa thread is located under Greyhound Events.
  6. They are white cells. Neutrophils are increased generally when fighting an infection. Monocytes increased means the body is fighting something. Many times a virus. Boils down to fighting some sort of infection. Is it possible the tumor is an abscess instead?
  7. Mentioning ice cream brought tears to my eyes. I too give my girls ice cream every night. At 9 PM they are in my face.
  8. I want to insure my third dog with someone other than HP. But because I have 2 others on HP their premium is 1/2 of any other insurer. And because one girl is 11 and the other in renal failure, I can't move them. So right now the 2 year old is not insured.
  9. I can't access photobucket anymore. But Onyx and Diamond are my black bridge kids. Emerald and Cee Magic are my current black girls. Black is beautiful.
  10. Another non Facebook person here. And since I have a new doggy I need stuff! Highest on my list is a shiny red collar.
  11. I'll do the SS again this year but I'm not using Elfster again. It couldn't recognize multiple dogs at the same email. So I'll do it manually. And actually, it probably is time to start it.
  12. Oh Steve. I'm so sorry Billy Bob is gone! He was very handsome.
  13. I'm on my third 4Runner over 23 years. I wish they still came in manual like my first. What I really like about the 4Runner is that the back window rolls down. So the dogs can stick their heads out back and flirt with the drivers behind us.
  14. Nadine, I hope your health is better. And I'm so sorry to hear about your handsome Andy traveling to the Rainbow Bridge. But oh boy is Abu a stunning boy. I hope he gives you years of enjoyment.
  15. Nerts. I didn't know that. (Gee, I wonder where I stayed last year...I know I would have made this year's reservation. ) Well hopefully GIG will go on next year.
  16. I'm in NJ and can't help. But is there a hospital around you can go to? They are generally pricier but if you need to get in they always take emergency walk-ins.
  17. Walk the course closely. Make sure there are no ankle breaking ruts.
  18. I ended up contacting someone in Australia. I can't find who that was. She was listed as deceased which is why I had so much trouble.
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