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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Borrowed Time?!! Let see, I have a 12 yr old running with my 3 yr old. I have two 10 yr olds (sisters), one who was diagnosed with heart disease 5 yrs ago. and two Bridge kids. One who died at 8 and one who died at 5. I wonder what he would have told me about the 5 year old a couple of months before I lost her. Insensitive coot. However, you decide whether you want to keep him or not based on his vet skills. Maybe he's like the fictious House on TV. By the way, your boy is very handsome!!
  2. My old lady had the same thing a few years back. She was running, being followed by one of the others. She stopped but her breaklights didn't work and she was rear-ended by the other hound who happened to have had her mouth opened. No fight.....just a rearend collision.
  3. When I first got VPI 7 yrs ago, they were terrific. But I am no longer pleased with them. Problem is, I have three seniors and Pearl uses a lot a money yearly for her cardiology stuff. I can't get her insurance for that anywhere. So I'm stuck with VPI for her. Onyx has seen a cardiologist, neurologist and a few other specialist in her 12 yrs. She's probably hard to insure now too. Dima has not been insured. VPI turned her down because of her history with erhlichia. At 10 yrs old, she's probably too old too. Thankfully, she hasn't had anything. Opal is the only one I can switch. VPI is not covering her for lacerations, gastritis or eye infections because she had a little of each. If I'm not mistaken once a laceration is healed, isn't that it for that laceration?! So, I'm watching this thread to see if people have liked other companies for their payouts and CS.
  4. My 5 yr old Topaz was in complete liver failure when we discovered it. I was 6 mos to a year. That was 4 days before she died.
  5. It sucks big time Gail. I lost a 5 yr old to liver disease, too. We found it to late to do anything. All I can do is pray that it turns out to be something treatable.
  6. Godspeed Snowman. There's a plethura of beloved greys waiting to greet you.
  7. Don't give up. Not yet. Owning these magnificent animals, Or should I say being owned by them can be such a roller coaster at times. Still sending prayers her way!
  8. He's adorable!! Great pix. (he's even smaller than my Little Old Lady (she's 59). It sounds like you're doing everything you can.
  9. Okay I'm no doctor, but doesn't that sound a lot like Pannus?
  10. I would try to brush his teeth daily. It will help with his kidney disease. I brush Pearl's daily, and sometimes even twice a day for the same reason. Her hyptertension and kidney disease.
  11. Most hard treats soften up if you soak them. For quick treats I give people cookies that I ran under the faucet. Harder treats I soak longer.
  12. Not to burst your bubble, but did they do a liver function test as well as the liver enzymes (which are the normal test done). I ask because my Topaz had normal liver enzymes all her short life. But when we did the liver function tests (and you would know it because you do one blood draw pre-food and another 2 hours post food.) Those values were so far off the charts they couldn't find them. (she went to the Bridge 4 weeks later) I sure hope you did and they were fine.
  13. My Brindle had it done 13 yrs ago (she went to the Bridge 6 yrs ago). She had a chronic problem and I opted for the surgery. We never looked back She was just fine when it was all over. She had very little recovery time too. It seemed that once the area was free of infection, she felt a whole lot better.
  14. It already sounds like she's improving. From what you told us, she just barely moved while at the vets. Keeping fingers and paws crossed here.
  15. Although I do not have a dog that stroked, I wanted to share my Pearl with you. She has a bad heart and has been seeing a cardiologist for the past 4 yrs. It was during one of these visits that they told me her heart was doing well, but I told them that she didn't seem to feel well. They decided to take her back and do a BP. It was skyrocketing. She immediately went on hypertensive meds. It came down tremendously but still not within the limits the cardiologist liked. In fact it continued to inch upwards over the months even with the meds. Her hypertension was so bad that she was a very high risk anesthesia. But fear of stroke or other hypertension related problems prompted me to put her under and get a CT of her adrenals (adrenal tumors can cause hypertension). While she was under I also had an abscessed tooth removed (that was a whole 'nother thread.......she had that for a while, it was misdiagnosed). While she was at this huge hospital, they did a urine sample and found high protein (kidney disease.) So, aspirin was added to her 14 other pills a day. The final diagnosis is that the abscessed tooth caused the kidney disease, which caused the hypertension. Now although she is not recovering from a stroke, I did want to tell you that at the age of 10, with all her meds, her hypertension under control now, she acts like a 5 yr old. So, if your baby does recover from her stroke, there is lots of hope to handle the other two problems and hopefully prevent another stroke.
  16. If you can't get a collection, the vet can do a needle aspirate. THey did that with Pearl when they were trying to find the source of her hypertension. Instead of trying to get her to go, they just did the needle aspirate.
  17. Stitches that have been in for months can be difficult to take out. I'd do it myself, but I have stitched my girls up and removed stitches all the time. If you are uncomfortable about it, let the vet do it, and just watch closely so that you can do it in the future.
  18. My Brat turns 4 yrs in April............still acts like she's 4 months. And her teeth are gorgeous.
  19. I found these and have been wanting to try them since 3 of my 4 girls have black nails. But I haven't tried them yet. quick see
  20. This was inspiring especially when the writer stated her dog had osteo. miracle vet article
  21. Although it is probably nothing you do have to watch for pancreatitis. Fat causes that. So like your vet said, watch for vomiting. If nothing happens, then he's okay. And if he's used to having some people food and the fat associated with it, then that's better than if he was on a strict kibble diet. That's more of a shock to his system.
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