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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. kamsmom

    Baby Boy

    I'm really sorry.
  2. 26 dogs in crates with locks? I wouldn't do that. What happens in an emergency?
  3. Lots! It varies from day to day tho. Today I get to work from home. Yesterday I had to work at the office so was gone about 7 hours. But when I got home I was able to engage in a game of chase through the house with the dogs I loved every minute of it. I also enjoy sitting on the back porch in the mornings when they first go out. Each one gets pets and scritches before we start out our day.
  4. Hang in there Pam. Life just seems to like to throw curve balls at you every now and then. You are a great person and I know poodle is feeling much better now P.S. - let me know what type of syringes you are getting... I may be able to at least help you out with that.
  5. Good thoughts for Poodle today. I have no idea what it would be tho Pam.
  6. Hope you can sleep in a bit tomorrow.
  7. OMG! I'm so sorry! How in the world did you find it? Piss on La Quinta for excluding Tavarish.
  8. It does take some of them some time. Be patient. I have two that honestly took about a year to really feel comfortable with me and the house and the other dogs. They are not at all the same dogs that came home with me that first day. They are better, they are more confident and they are happy. It is a very rewarding experience to go through with a dog that you honestly have to earn their trust.
  9. I'm so sorry. She is a beautiful girl.
  10. kamsmom


    Lucy - I am so sorry about Riley. We were your secret santa one year and my daughter drew a picture of Riley... She loved him and still has a photo of him in her room. (((hugs))) to you and the iggies.
  11. Had a great dinner and it was nice meeting you both Have a safe trip "Home".
  12. I'll pm you guys and Pam... Saturday or Sunday works for me.
  13. Dogs are also welcome at Strokers
  14. Love the pics Have a safe trip.
  15. I'm sure I'll get some flak for this, and I don't know if it will be an option for you, but... Do you have a friend who has a chain link dog pen in a rural area? Tumnus' problem wasn't as severe as your dog's, but he would whine, etc. while in his crate. If I left him out, he would bark and howl until sunset - not to mention shred my pillows. My relatives have a dog lot - 6 ft chain link fence surrounding an 8'x 8' area (no hazards) - and they live in a very rural area. Everyone's dog barks there, so Tumnus was able to yowl all he wanted, and he quickly found out that making all of that racket didn't get him out of there any quicker. In fact, the more noise he made, the longer he had to stay confined. I waited until he quieted down, and then I approached to dog lot and waited for Tumnus to lay down. He was never allowed out until he (1) lay down and (2) was quiet (while laying down) for at least 2 minutes. This worked wonders with him when I came back to my apartment. Again - let me say that Tumnus wasn't a severe SA case. He wears his basket muzzle while in his crate because he will gnaw on the bars and any nearby items (pillows, etc.). I never thought it would be possible for him to go into his crate without being pushed, but today I only had to lead him to the crate to get him to go in. Many times he will remain laying down until he knows I'm going to let him out, but I use the same methods I did with the dog lot - he has to be quiet and calm (laying down) for at least 2 minutes before he gets to come out. I'm sorry for such a long-winded answer, but I hope this helps you. Good luck! Totally old school thinking and very, very inappropriate.
  16. Do you have a paid email account? Most "free" email accounts are not accepted.
  17. Have you tried leaving him out instead of in the crate? Sometimes this helps but not always.
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