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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. The top part is dead tissue, she doesn't feel it. The "spongy" part near the pad she can feel. But when we hulled it before she did fine. It didn't bleed or anything, she pulled her leg back one time but then it just popped out. A friend of mine had a wart one time and on the bottom of this it looks like what her wart did when it was removed. Sorta "tentacally?" (I'm trying to think of those things in fish tanks...)
  2. So for the last four years that I have had Isis she has had this growth thing on her paw pad. I have had it hulled three different times and it continues to come back. A year ago the vet said he wasn't so sure it was a corn and said to just leave it be. It doesn't hurt her, she doesn't even mess with it at all. I have been able to work it off with my finger nails twice. It is hard on the end but sorta "spongy" feeling on the bottom where it is connected. Is it a fungus? Have you ever seen this? And an obligatory pic of Isis, doing her thing
  3. (((Hugs))) Pam if you need anything please let me know.
  4. Beneful also has the plastic trays of wet food, looks like a stew and can be served room temp. But I do agree, best to stick with what they know. When I travel I bring kibble premeasured for the day and also bring along a can of wet food. Sometimes the stress of traveling upsets their tummies and a spoonful or two of wet food at least gets something in them so they don't get sick. Good luck on your trip and hope you have fun.
  5. Any chance you can show a picture? Is the site swollen or is the ear flap swollen? I had a dalmatian years ago shake her head so much from an ear infection that she ruptured a blood vessel on her ear and her ear "flap" swelled up like a so-papilla. I had to have the vet drain it.
  6. He is stunningly gorgeous! Congrats!
  7. I feed both the Kirkland chicken and rice and natures domain. I mix them together and do feed less that I was feeding when they were just on the kirkland chicken and rice. All of mine seem to love it and never have any left over.
  8. kamsmom


    I'm so sorry Holly
  9. Fibrocartilaginous Embolic Myelopathy (FCE) http://www.petplace.com/dogs/fibrocartilaginous-embolic-myelopathy-fce/page1.aspx This was the best description that helped me. It's all new to me as well.
  10. See, this is where I am totally confused by the entire thing. My vet says he still feels that it was a stroke but is willing to concede to the neurologist. The neurologist feels that it is an FCE because of the fast recovery from the steroid shot. This morning she still walks with a "high step" on her back right leg but I'll take it.
  11. Yes, they checked her BP at the office and we are to come back in next week for a recheck. It was elevated but he also felt it was because we took it at the height of the crisis.
  12. Thanks everyone and thank you Aimee for updating for me I felt bad knowing people were waiting to hear the outcome and I just couldn't get to the computer. I can read along with my phone and can respond with short answers but my thumbs can only type so fast If I had been gone yesterday and hadn't seen what happened and then saw her today I wouldn have thought nothing was wrong. She totally looks back to normal except the right back leg that sort of high steps like it's numb and she is unsure of where it should go. Like Aimee said, the MRI was inconclusive. The neurologist said he wish everyone had as pretty of an MRI He is leaning toward and FCE episode more than a vestibular incident because of how fast she responded to the steroid shot. He wants me to still be guarded with her but he feels confident in saying that it was FCE at this point. He said we could start a round of steroids and antibiotics just to cover anything and everything but that if it was his dog that he would just cover with ABX for 10 days (cuz it can't hurt) and just take a "wait and see" approach. I really appreciate the support and well wishes. Many of you know that Isis is my first grey. She is my "heart" dog. I love her so much. I love all my dogs but Isis and I just have a connection and this, well this scared the crap out of me. I'm not ready to lose her yet and today she showed me that she isn't ready to leave yet either.
  13. At the neuro office and reading from my phone while waiting. Thanks everyone. On a good note... Isis walked in by herself. My vet called and said that could be a really good sign that we may be dealing more with FCE since she is better today and she had the steroid shot last night. The MRI should tell us more.
  14. Thank you! This is where I am really concerned and worried. The vet yesterday mentioned both a stroke or FCE. He leaned much more towards stroke because of the body movements however he also thought FCE because her eyes still tracked and didn't have the twitching that you usually see in a stroke. He gave her a steroid shot and then when I got home the ER vet I talked to said it wouldn't hurt to give her a baby aspirin. So now I don't know if I've done more damage than good. I hope the neurologist can shed some light. I have Dr. Couto's number and will also have the neurologist call. This morning she still couldn't walk and her back leg buckled under her, but just right now I looked up and she walked into the kitchen and got a drink of water She was slow and pulled up her right back leg with long strides but it was nothing like it was yesterday or this morning. So now I don't know what to think. The Neurologist is taking an MRI and we are scheduled for 2pm.
  15. No mushrooms. The yard was sprayed about two weeks ago. It was an all organic spray for ticks and ants.
  16. Yesterday after work I let the dogs outside for turnout, everyone went out as usual and I turned around for less than a minute and when I turned back Isis was on the ground trying to get back up again and couldn't. When she would stand her whole right side wasn't working. He legs were going everywhere and her head was tilted. She looked like a baby foal getting up for the first time. I grabbed her and loaded her up and called my vet on the way. The girl who answered said it was probably an inner ear infection. When we got there however the vet came in and said, no. He said, "This is bad." He said I had two options, take her home and make her comfortable or take her to the ER and they could "babysit" her. He told me there was nothing to do until a neurologist could see her so I took her home. She panted and drooled a lot. She finally settled and we both got a little bit of sleep. This morning she has no control of her right side and her back right leg the knuckles fold over and she can't stand. My vet called at 8:30am and we have an appt with neuro at 2pm. I guess I am mostly writing to get some advice or see if someone else has been through this? Isis is 9 years old. I remembered this morning that the day before yesterday she had vomited small amounts three separate times. I am remembering that with stroke patients they often report vomiting before hand. My vet strongly suspects a stroke but also mentioned FCE.
  17. Actually as I read this I am giggling, not at you but just remembering each dog as they were new in my home and trying to adjust. Many of what you are saying is true for a lot of hounds when they are new. If the main issue is her chewing and getting into things when left out I would muzzle her, possibly even with a stool guard but usually a muzzle will do fine. (plastic basket muzzle) The food? Well, it smelled good I have had dogs my whole life and I've never, not even once, been able to leave fresh cooked food on the counter and walk away. I have a dog that gets upset about closed doors too. He feels as if he is being left out. We babygate door ways that we don't want him in. That way he can still see what is going on but realizes that he is not allowed inside. (a great idea one gt'er had was to put a screen door on the babies room with a eye hook latch) A lot of greys do just fine outside of a crate Like I said earlier, muzzle both dogs and that would take care of the sleep aggression as well. You have not failed as a greyhound mom. Everyone has setbacks and everyone at some time or another has concerns. Good for you for looking for some help
  18. First, I am so sorry that this happened. I know it had to have been scary for you, your daughter and for Rogue. Without actually knowing you or your household I can only go on what you have written. The first thing I see is that you say he was behind the sofa and so I am assuming that your daughter was too. I would not allow this at all. If you can't see your daughter with him at all times than she can't be with him. I used babygates, not to keep the dogs out but to keep the kids away from them. It gave the dogs a break and it kept the kids safe and me sane. You also say he did growl, he gave her a warning to say, "get away". Having kids and dogs can be hard but also so very rewarding. At three she is old enough to remember but still young enough to require constant supervision. This can be done but the whole family has to be firm with not only the dog but also the child. By firm I don't mean "strong arm" I mostly mean there has to be a routine and certain rules have to stay the same no matter what. At three she can help feed the dog and she can help "walk" the dog. ( I have leashes with a traffic loop that my kids are allowed to hold so they think they are walking but I have the end of the leash for control ) This will help build the bond with the dog and the child. Another "rule" I had was that every evening we had time outs. Not for bad behavior, but for a break from each other. It was the dogs time to have a peaceful, uninterrupted nap and usually if I timed it right it was time for the child to have a nice nap too . Good luck, lots of others here will have excellent advice as well
  19. kamsmom


    Oh Heather I am so sorry. I know how much Brookie means to you. I really wish I were there to be able to give you a hug right now.
  20. Pepcid and fasting. Good luck to Miles and you. I know the dogs eat a fair amount of grass anyway but you just never know what bugs are in it so I try to prevent it.
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