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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Glad she seems perkier this morning. Hope you're feeling perkier soon too.
  2. Wonderful news! We've been worried about him.
  3. Hope the meds work quickly to get them under control.
  4. galgrey

    R.i.p. Oberon

    Oh no! I'm so sorry. I remember when you got him.
  5. So glad everything has worked out so well! Congrats on your new girl. Now you have a perfect pair!
  6. I too think Rudy is incredibly fortunate to have landed with you. Sounds like he's made a lot of progress and I'll be the will continue to improve. My girl, Carly, is the same way. I don't say this to discourage anyone, but I've now had her over 7 years (she's almost 11) and she's still has horrible sleep startle/aggression. She has improved over the year, but she'll never be a social butterfly. She doesn't like Meet and Greets and doesn't like going in public where there are lot of people. She's extremely quirky too. I could write a book about her quirks. I didn't know about the sleep startle issue when I adopted her, but I knew that she was extremely fearful and I knew that if an inexperienced person adopted her she would bounce again and again, so I took on the challenge. She's pretty affectionate now all these years later and sometimes would like to snuggle with me, but once she falls asleep and I move even the slightest little bit, she flips out. She doesn't always growl and snap now though. Sometimes she will startle, panic, and then run. She's actually fallen before trying to run from the room while still half asleep. But she's better than she used to be and I love her dearly. I've never regretted adopting her. I know I've given her a quiet and stable home and she knows she's loved for who she is, quirks and all. (She's a daughter of Oswald Cobblepot, BTW) My girl Princess is intensely social, craves human contact, and has never met a stranger, but in the first year I had her, she would growl at me sometimes when I hugged her or kissed her face. I realized she was uncomfortable with this and would back off. But sometimes I would forget and she would remind me if I got too much in her space. I've had her 6 years and she's over that with me. She sleeps with me with no problem. She will still, however, growl at other dogs who get too close to her when she sleeping or laying down. No bed or even sofa sharing for her! She growled at Carly just this morning for even considering getting on the sofa with her despite the fact there was plenty of room.
  7. A Very Happy Birthday to Whompus & Nattie! Oh, and many, many more! Have a safe and fabulous trip!
  8. galgrey

    Unka Lee

    I'm so sorry. It sounds like he was a very special person and wonderful friend.
  9. He's just beautiful! Congratulations! I'll look forward to updates and more pictures.
  10. I'm so sorry your princess had to leave you.
  11. Sending all manners of good thoughts for Zariel.
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