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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. So glad to hear she's on the road to recovery. Your vet sounds wonderful.
  2. galgrey


    I'm so very sorry. I lost my first greyhound without warning at age 10 and I was in shock for days so I know how you must be feeling.
  3. Congrats on your pretty new addition!
  4. galgrey


    I'm so sorry he had to leave you.
  5. Congratulations and welcome to GT! He's a beauty!
  6. Great news! I hope you'll post lots of pictures on a regular basis.
  7. Two of my dogs have not done well with Tramadol. Restless, panting, pacing, and whining all night long. Princess actually seemed to be hallucinating - she would startle, prick her ears and then wander through the house like she was looking for the source of some non-existent sound. Hope Misha is feeling better soon.
  8. I'm sorry he's still in pain and you have to wait.
  9. Princess has had terrible teeth/gums since day 1. I'm currently using Vet's Best Dental Care Gel (Glycerine, Aloe, Pectin, Neem Oil, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Baking Soda, Papain and Natural Flavors) and a bio-active silver hydrosol spray with pretty good results. I use the dental gel on a disposable oral swab (Den Tips) and she's good about letting me spray the silver hydrosol on her gums.
  10. Definitely sounds like it was a hit. I saw that at the local feed store last time I picked up food and wondered about it. It is less expensive than what I'm feeding now. Hmmmm ....
  11. Congratulations on your handsome new addition!
  12. So sorry about your foster. Sending good thoughts for Smitty.
  13. I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your sweet Swiftie. It's obvious from your post how very much she was loved. I lost my Chloe suddenly like this to hemangiosarcoma. It was a horrible shock.
  14. Sending good thoughts. Please keep us posted.
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