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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. So glad to read he's doing better. Sending good thoughts that he's completely back to normal tomorrow.
  2. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beloved Mork.
  3. I'm a huge fan of coconut oil. I use it for my dogs and myself. Thanks for sharing this.
  4. I'm so very sorry you lost your veryi special boy, Theo. I hope Brittany helps heal your heart.
  5. I was just thinking about that twirling girl the other day and how I fell in love with her long distance. Thank you for sharing her with us.
  6. I'm so sorry. It is just so very hard to let them go.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear you're facing this. I've lost a dog to CHF and one to Renal Failure. You've gotten good advice from the others. I just want to send good thoughts to both of you during this difficult time.
  8. I'm so sorry. She was such a beauty and obviously so very loved.
  9. galgrey


    I'm so sorry to see this.
  10. Since this thread is sort of buried, you might want to repost asking for experience with supraspinatus tendonopathy, rehab, cell therapy, etc. so more people will see it and someone may know more about it.
  11. :hope I'm always a wreck any time mine have anesthesia. Sending good thoughts to both of you.
  12. I'm glad you got a diagnosis and it's not the dreaded O. I've no experience but I'm sure others will chime in and will be of help in you making your decision about treatment. A friend is doing rehab with her senior greyhound right now for a disc problem in his lower back and it is expensive.
  13. galgrey

    Casper 2004-2014

    My heart sank when I saw his name. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your big, beautiful boy.
  14. I'm so sorry you got this shocking news. You've gotten good advice from people who've been there. There's some other support online that might be helpful to you: http://blinddogs.net/ - seems to have lots of info and also has a forum. And there's a Yahoo group as well which will likely have lots of resources. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/blinddogs/
  15. The little things can be the biggest things sometimes.
  16. galgrey

    Little Millie

    Oh, no! I'm so very sorry.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. I'm so sorry your beautiful girl had to leave you.
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