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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. That's just wonderful news! Hope she continues to get positive results.
  2. Truly heartbreaking. My sincere condolences to all her loved and miss her. Run free, beautiful girl.
  3. Completely agree! Most dogs I see (of all breeds) are way too fat.
  4. I hope she continues to improve. I too love her siggy photo.
  5. I'm so sorry you've lost your beautiful Cleo. I've loved her from afar since that classic picture on the bed.
  6. OMG, milk and moonshine!? Glad you survived it. Adult dogs don't really "need" milk, but raw milk is a great source of live enzymes and beneficial bacteria.
  7. The years pass but our hearts hold on to them.
  8. My girl, Princess, did this after her dental last year. She was up all night long panting, pacing, searching, and whining. In her case it was the tramadol. She will not be taking that again. I hope your girl is better today.
  9. I'm so sorry you've lost your beautiful Queen.
  10. My girls are 11 and they're on Springtime Fresh Factors, coconut oil, an enzyme supplement, and a probiotic.
  11. Wonderful news! I had never heard of Zylkene. Good info to have.
  12. My condolences for all those who knew and loved them both.
  13. I know many people will think it's not worth the risk, but pasteurization defeats the purpose and negates the benefits (enzymes and probiotics) because the pasteurization process kills the enzymes and beneficial bacteria. If you decide to use it, I would look for a source of raw goat's milk from grass fed goats rather than grain fed. I've read testimonials from both dog and cat owners that tout the benefits for a variety of conditions: allergies, UTIs, kidney disease/stones, diarrhea, constipation, poor digestion, etc. In it's raw form it's loaded with probiotics and enzymes that help boost the immune system. I've been looking for a local source of raw goat's milk, but haven't come up with anything yet.
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