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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. She had such a good life with you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. I don't use the spot on products anymore since one of my dogs had a seizure after I treated her. She'd never had one before and never had another afterwards, so I've not comfortable taking any chances. I used a couple of natural supplements to help repel fleas and I am a fanatical flea comb user. It's not that I never see a flea on my dogs, but then my friends here in NC that use Advantage and those other spot on products are still seeing some fleas on their dogs too. Fleas and mosquitoes are the worst part of summer.
  3. I used to feed them years ago, but don't anymore. One of my greyhounds had a serious pancreatitis attack after I gave him a pig's ear so, of course, he never got another one and I just quit giving them to the other dogs as well. I've never tried them again as I've seen several recalls over the years since due to salmonella contamination.
  4. Fingers crossed that she doesn't get sick.
  5. I hope he's feeling better soon. One of my greyhounds had a pancreatitis attack shortly after I adopted him. It was very scary for me and very painful for him. I had given him a pig's ear. He could not tolerate fatty foods at all, but did just fine as long as I was vigilant about his diet.
  6. I remember you and Asta. She was a beautiful girl. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost a greyhound to LP in 2007. I hope your new additional will help heal your heart.
  7. I agree with those that say personality is more important than gender. Everyone always says boys are the sweetest, but my boy, Keno, was a very assertive male and did not generally get along with other males unless they were super submissive. He tolerated my male galgo, Cruz, well because Cruz was very meek and properly respectful of Keno. And Keno wouldn't hesitate to put what he viewed as a "disrespectful" female in her place either. He growled at my female greyhound, Chloe, once and she continued to make eye contact and lifted her lip. He promptly knocked her to the ground and bit her and she had to have stitches. Right now I have two females. Princess is assertive/bossy and Carly is very submissive. They've only had an issue once in eight years when Carly tried to get Princess to play with her. I intervened and no one was seriously injured. They tolerate each other and Carly respects Princess as the boss.
  8. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beloved Fiona.
  9. My condolences to all who loved Vico.
  10. Remembering you, beautiful Shelby.
  11. Congratulations on your handsome new addition! Welcome to GT.
  12. I'll drink to that! Welcome to GT, Jason & Baron! I adopted my first greyhound in 1993. My best friend, who had a lab and a shepherd mix at the time, had never seen a greyhound and came over to meet him. She thought he was the ugliest dog she'd ever seen. Fast forward a couple of years, and he grew on her so much that she adopted her first one. Suddenly they were the most beautiful dogs in the world. She's had greyhounds ever since and now thinks all other dogs pale in comparison and says she would never have another breed.
  13. I'm so sorry you are facing this. Gentle hugs to Sukie and all her love her.
  14. Just heartbreaking. I'm so very sorry. Run fast and free, Maya.
  15. I'm so very saddened to see this. Your tribute to him was just beautiful.
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