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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. People's opinions about dog food, and what constitutes a good one, is extremely varied. Threads about what is best to feed can get heated. With that said, I fed various kibbles made by Diamond for several years, but after that last salmonella recall (two years ago I think) I switched to Earthborn Holistic. It's manufactured by Midwestern Pet Food, Inc. in Evansville, Indiana. Their website says they've never had a recall and I've not found any evidence of any recalls searching online. I've been pleased with their food and my dogs like it and eat it enthusiastically without any digestive or skin issues. They're currently eating Great Plains Feast which is grain free and contains no chicken since one of mine can't tolerate chicken. After doing some online research for an alternative to TOTW, I had my local feed store special order it for me during the Diamond recall. The owners of the store now feed it exclusively to their own dogs and Earthborn Holistic is one of their best sellers. Price here in NC is comparable to TOTW. Here's their website: http://www.earthbornholisticpetfood.com/us/dog_formulas/
  2. I've used it for years and it has worked very well. Make sure it is extra virgin coconut oil and start slowly and gradually build up the amount in order to prevent stomach upset and diarrhea. Some people start with a teaspoon per day and work their way up over about a month. Generally recommended amount is one tablespoon per 30 lbs. So a 60 lb. dog would get 2 tablespoons daily once they've build up their tolerance. It's also good to use in place of toothpaste for brushing teeth. Unrefined (virgin) coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties.
  3. I'm so sorry you've lost your very special boy. Sixteen years is a long time, but sadly not long enough.
  4. Welcome to GT and congratulations on your beautiful new girl!
  5. It too a while but I found chicken and rice to be the culprits for Princess.
  6. He was very ill with multiple issues. I hope this brings you some peace. You did everything you could possibly do.
  7. I was on pins and needles reading your entire post! I'm so glad he has bounced back. I do love me some Merlin. Give him a kiss for me.
  8. Princess developed a problem with chicken and I switched both girls to Earthborn Holistic's Great Plains Feast. It's bison and lamb and is grain free. It has worked really well for them.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Our time with them is simply never long enough. I'm glad you're honoring the memory of Puma by giving another deserving greyhound a forever home. I hope he helps to heal your hearts. And welcome to GT.
  10. Great update. that he continues to heal without any more issues.
  11. I've been feeding Earthborn Holistic since the last TOTW salmonella incident and have never looked back. I'm feeding the Great Plain Feast (bison and lamb) because Princess can't have chicken. They've never had a recall and I love their UCP's for Trees program. It is higher fat and protein than the TOTW I was feeding, so I did end up having to cut their food back some to keep them from getting too heavy.
  12. So glad he's home and resting. My second greyhound, Keno, had pancreatitis. It was scary, but I was able to manage him well on a low fat diet.
  13. I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your boy. A friend lost her grey the same way a few years ago. Just devastating.
  14. Sending good thoughts for you and Pepper.
  15. Thinking of you and Huston. I so hope he can bounce back.
  16. Glad to hear her surgery went well. I hope she recovers quickly and completely.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss.
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