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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so sorry to see this. Your tribute was beautiful.
  2. I hope she doesn't have any more issues with her jaw. Sending good thoughts that she continues to do well.
  3. I'm so glad to see this! Thanks for letting us know. that his next blood work with be normal.
  4. She's a cutie! Congratulations! I vote you post lots of pictures so we can watch her grow up.
  5. Hello and welcome to you and Lila! She's lovely and so is your new girl. I hope you visit often and post lots of pictures of your girls.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to GT! I'm looking forward to seeing photos and hearing more about your new hound.
  7. Welcome back! I miss having a galgo, but hope to again some day. Love the pictures and hope you'll share more often.
  8. Hope your sweet old girl bounces back quickly and completely. My girls are 11 and they forget sometimes too.
  9. I'm so very sorry you've lost your beautiful girl.
  10. Great news! Hope he continues to improve every day.
  11. Adding more good thoughts for your boy and a for you.
  12. I'm so very sorry to see this. I lost my galgo, Cruz, to kidney failure almost two years ago and it was so very hard to keep him eating and feeling well. The fluids did help him for a while. He was on an appetite stimulant to keep him eating, but it was a daily challenge.
  13. I hope Peggy continues to improve every day.
  14. Welcome to GT and congrats on your very handsome boy, Coe! I'm so glad he's found his forever home with you. Two years as a blood donor is just terrible.
  15. I'm sorry the vet wasn't more positive. Hoping for the best possible outcome.
  16. I'm so sorry you've lost your beloved Poodle.
  17. Poor baby. I hope you can get him eating and on the road to recovery soon. Hope you can get some rest so you can take care of him.
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