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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so very sorry for your loss, but I'm glad the two of you had this time together and she brightened the lives of so many who crossed her path.
  2. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Molly.
  3. Hope to see a photo of Osiris soon! Love his name.
  4. Awww! What a sweet old girl! So happy for her and for you.
  5. I'm so very sorry to hear this. for all of you
  6. What a cute little guy! I'm so glad you two found each other.
  7. I'm so sorry you've lost your beloved Zim.
  8. I'm so very sorry you've lost your beautiful girl.
  9. So young. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. He was obviously well loved and sounds like a very special boy. I'm so sorry he had to leave you physically, but it sounds like he's making sure you two are going to be okay.
  11. Wonderful news! His weight should pick up as his pred. is decreased. Keep us posted.
  12. So glad Murray is doing well and enjoying the beach.
  13. My galgo, Cristiano, also remembers the location of every squirrel (and rabbit and cat) we see on our walks. He will also walk along looking up in the trees for squirrels. He's a trip!
  14. I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with your beloved Henry.
  15. Congratulations! He's adorable! We will need lots of pictures and updates.
  16. Hoping it's nothing a few extra calories can't remedy.
  17. So glad to see he's home. I hope you get the nausea/vomiting thing sorted out quickly.
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