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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Congratulations on your beautiful girl and welcome to GT!
  2. I was thinking the same thing. If I'm not mistaken, I think you've posted before that Stewie is a barker and sort of a watch dog type. My quess would be that he's protecting his car and it's precious contents.
  3. for you and your sweet Gilby. I know all too well how difficult it is to not have support when you are worried about a beloved dog. Keep us posted. We're here for you.
  4. Sending good thoughts for your sweet Ruby. Will be checking back for an update.
  5. I'm laughing because that was my first thought too. Get well soon, Joe.
  6. Hello and welcome to you and the lovely Winnie!
  7. I hope he continues to do well. Keep us posted.
  8. Congrats all around! I remember admiring him on the GFNC website - such a big, handsome, brindled boy. Welcome home, Jeter.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear about Echo. Try not to panic about Travel. Even if it is diabetes, it is manageable.
  10. I'm so sorry you've lost your beloved Blue.
  11. I'm so sorry to see this.
  12. If he's a new addition, I would have him checked again for parasites. When I first got Princess, she had horrific gas and unformed stools. She had false negatives on two fecals, but the third one showed hookworms. Her gas never returned once she got rid of the hooks.
  13. Sending good thoughts. I hope all went well for her today.
  14. galgrey


    Thank you for the reminder. as you remember her today.
  15. Thank you for sharing your beloved Maya with us. to all who are grieving her loss.
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