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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Some people- loosening the lug nuts- that is really mature of them. Karma will come back to them. Poor T- that is just wrong that he can't stay at the La Quinta. Glad that you were able to stay at Motel 6. T- look your payback photo, Jeff Happy belated birthday. Hope the rest of your trip goes well.
  2. WOW, you guys made some progeress yesterday. Love the photos of scenery and I am jealous that you were near Best Friends. Safe Travels and welcome to the South.
  3. Maddiesmom

    A Love Letter

    That was a beautiful tribute to a handsome boy. My deepest sympathies. Godspeed Tahoe.
  4. Sorry to hear you are delayed. Love the new pix of Umm Ryan,. that cannot be comfortable at all. Be safe.
  5. Love the photos of the wildlife. But I am still laughing over Ryan and the crazy dogs and T peeing on the Alaska sign - too funny. Glad that none of them have space aggression As Heather stated, here in the south the weather is great. 81 today here in Charlotte. Safe Travels Jeff, Trudy and gang.
  6. Having A SA dog myself, I know first hand what you are going through. Maddie ate her way out of 3 crates (plastic and wire) I was a first time greyhound owner and was following the advice of more knowledgeable people who stated to crate. If I knew then what I know now, I would have taken her out of crate the first week instead of 2 1/2 months after I got her. I used the kong, the radio, the TV, the DAP diffuser, even medication (We used Clomicalm- i think that's what it is called) from the vet as a last resort and then I took a big leap of faith and left her out of the crate all day while I was at work, closed all doors to rooms I did not want her going into (including the bathrooms) baby gated other areas- went to work, drove home and checked on her around 1pm and she was fine! (She was on the medication as well though) (this was 5 1/2 hours after I had left in the morning) and came home at 430pm to a happy to see me dog waiting at the door for me. I did muzzle her for a while (I don't anymore as all she does is sleep now) - took the crate down that night and have not crated since. I only crate if I have a foster, Maddie pokes herself into the crate to investigate for food but that is it. Also a tired dog is a good dog, when I go on trips with Maddie and have to stay in a hotel (she did chew on a hotel door from her SA- my mistake not hers - now she is muzzle when I leave her in the hotel room- I wear her out. Long walks-she is so tired she can barely keep her eyes open. Try taking the dog out for long walks before you leave in am if possible. I vote for the not crating as well, Kennel dogs are used to having a radio on as well. - be patient as it will change I promise, I put myself in her position, having her life changed being in a kennel with all her buddies to going to another kennel to being the only dog, that can be scary,, but day by day it lessens and your dogs true personality comes out and it is all worth it. Amy and Maddie
  7. Blair, I am so sorry. We are thinking of you all. I know what you mean by living by yourself as I am in the same boat. . Hang in there.
  8. My mistake - we do the LGRA- not the lure coursing- I get the two confused all the time.
  9. The first time i took Maddie to lure coursing, I had to hold her very tight when the lure went off. She was ready to go right after it and it was not her turn. In between the times she was coursing she would be in her xpen and we would call her the "whack a Mole" as she would bounce up and down in the pen (like the game "Whack a Mole" where the mole bounces up and down in different spots) when the lure went off (and we were a ways from it) Finally we had to block her vision of the lure with cars as she was so excited to course. It is fun, but it is long days (if you do day trips like we did) but you have a dog that having a blast and is so tired by the end of the end, they will sleep through the night (at Least Maddie did). We drove about an 1 1/2 hours to Camden, SC. Here is a pic of Maddie lure coursing- she is the red fawn in the lime green.
  10. I don't know the symptoms however, I just started having my lawn treated by Scott's Lawn Service. That was one of the questions I asked them and they advised that they are registered with the EPA and that it is commerical grade that they use. They do advise both Maddie and I to to stay off the grass for 24 hours or at least til dry (I err on the 24 hours or more) and they give me an invoice telling me not to mow for that long as well, along with, the weather conditions the day they treated, the way the wind was blowing and the temperature that day. So Mads and I do leash walking for the day that they treat and the day after just to be safe. and they put the flag out too for my neighbors. I leave that out 2 days after they treat. When I was fertilizing the lawn myself I still took the same precautions and I hosed myself off before coming into the house and then showered immediately. Maddie is not a gradd eater in our neighborhood so I am not worried about that and I also try not to let her walk on other's lawns- especially when the flag is up. We do have sidewalks in our subdivision that I try and get her to walk.
  11. I have a 5 foot scalloped picket fence with one gate that I have a padlock on it The fenced area is in the backyard I have the key to the lock and will only leave it unlock if the Scotts lawn fertilizer guys are coming (they call before they come) or if I am cutting the grass. Otherwise it is locked and I am always outside with Maddie as she eats dirt, grass, and we now have a mean dog that that lives next door to us who charges the fence (that is another story) so I am now walking her on a leash in MY OWN backyard til we go to court as they built their fence on MY property without MY permission
  12. Maddiesmom

    S Go Unruly

    Words cannot comfort you during this time but, Thank you for taking in Rudy during his difficuly time. There is a special place for you and yours. Rudy looks so happy. Rudy, run pain free now, you are among friends. Thank you for sharing Rudy's story with us. Godspeed Rudy, watch over your family.
  13. Maddiesmom


    What a great tribute to a very special girl.
  14. Hi Kevin, Welcome to GT. I too own several of your prints and have given them as gifts to several friends who love them. Thank you for supporting the greyhound community with your donation of prints to many adoption groups. Again, welcome. Amy and Maddie
  15. That is greyt news Beth. I went through the limping with Maddie 2 weeks ago and and I was scared. I am breathing a big sigh of relief for you and Peanut. Mommy let me talk Okay Maddie- Peanut - Maddie here. You rest up so youz no more limping. When we limp we scare our Mommies. You gets better reel soon and in the meantime thes is four you. and .
  16. Maddiesmom


    Lori and the Oconnell, I am so sorry that Jasmine has left to go to the bridge. Lori what a great tribute to Jasmine- thank you for fostering her in time of need and to the Oconnells, thank you for loving Jasmine and giving her a loving home. Jasmine, run free, girl, you are with some special friends now. Amy and Maddie
  17. I am so sorry you had to see that. Maddie caught a rabbit 2 months after I got her. I did not see the rabbit in the yard and she was too fast for me. She brought it into the house still alive, screaming (it is the worst sound to hear) I am screaming at her to "drop it", she is running from room to room and almost went upstairs with the rabbit, I get smart and say Maddie's favorite word- "Cookie" - she drops the rabbit who runs behind a chair, I am trying to keep her away from it. Luckily I had left the sliding back door open and the rabbit hops out the back door and into the backyard. It shook me up and I went to sleep with the scraming of the rabbit in my head. Now, I scan the backyard really well and bang on the siding of the house before I let her out. We also have a neighbor whose boyfriend moved in with his dog who is mean and charges the fence line every time Maddie and I come out. It has gotten to the point where I had to put chicken wire on my fence so that he can't stick his muzzle through to attack Maddie when she comes to the fence. They leave the dog out all day. And besides that, their fence is encroaching on property and the neighbor's on the other side of her, so we have to sue her and go to court to get her off it. Meanwhile Maddie and I can't enjoy our backyard. Rant over.
  18. Ekko, Maddie here, its ok you are going someplace good- the east coast. Do something bad so your Mommy knows that you are ok. (eat paper or open the frig) Claudia, Amy here, I know exactly what you are going through, Maddie had a little fall in the backyard this weekend. She is ok, everyone, no broken bones, however she was limping. Took her to the vet and we did xrays and they gave her a shot for pain , one of the side effects was she was really whiney and out of sorts. It was one of those times, that I missed my girl barking (even though it drives me nuts) and playing. I too, want Maddie to do something bad to show me she is getting better. We will be thinking and crossing our fingers and paws that she is just nervous for your cross country trip. Amy and Maddie
  19. Kristin, Maddie and I hope Gracey gets better real soon. Also I need to send you an email to get Bobby's address to send him a care package for Easter. Hope all is well.
  20. Maddie destroyed both the wire and the plastic airline crates with her SA when I first got her and she would howl. Luckily I live in a house by myself. I tried everything, the DAP diffuser, , radio, TV , and then took a leap of faith and took her out of the crate after she destroyed 3 crates (2 wire and 1 plastic) and she is fine, she usually is hanging out in my room on her bed, (or mine) and comes running down the stairs when she hears the garage door opening now. It took us months to get where we are but it was well worth it. I would try doing what you are doing, leaving both dogs in the same room, uncrated. See if he does not pee and go from there, I think the stress of being in the crate and being in a new place is causing him to pee. Also try exercising him before you leave as a tired dog is a good dog, and maybe try a kong with peanut butter to get his mind off of you leaving. Take it one day at a time.
  21. Maddiesmom


    Godspeed sweet girl,Annie
  22. Welcome Home Roscoe!!! You hit the jackpot. Thane and Wally you done good for Mom and Dad.
  23. Kristin Hugs to you and Drew. Run free Sweet Bonnie. We love you. Love, Amy And Maddie
  24. I remember Elwood. and always will.
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