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Everything posted by KahluasMagic

  1. I'm so sorry. He was so cute.
  2. I'm so sorry. The prayer was beautiful. Run free sweet Toby.
  3. He's gorgeous ! Congratulations.
  4. I'm so sorry. Clark was stunning. Run free sweet boy, no more pain.
  5. I'm so sorry. It's so difficult to lose our babies.
  6. They are very handsome boys ! Welcome from Massachusetts.
  7. Hope Canyon is doing well today. Prayers for a quick recovery.
  8. Hope Rocky is feeling better soon. What a terrible experience. Get well soon Rocky !
  9. KahluasMagic

    Abita Romeo

    I'm so sorry. Know that you did the right thing. You saved Romeo from so much more pain. It's never easy I know. Run free handsome Romeo.
  10. That's greyt news. Hope Maggie has a complete uneventful recovery.
  11. I'm so sorry. I hoped you would have more time with him. My thoughts are with you today.
  12. I'm sorry. I didn't opt for amputation for Magic either. I didn't think she could handle it and I guess, neither could I. I hope Romeo has many painfree days left with you.
  13. Bugsy was so beautiful. I'm so sorry.
  14. I'm so sorry. Belle was beautiful. It's so hard to lose them.
  15. What a nice story. I'm sorry for your loss. Isis was a beautiful girl.
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