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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. She should talk to the vet, or better even Animal Control should talk to the vet. I hope Lance heals quickly.
  2. Yikes! After reading greytladys awesome information....I'd not waste any time and I'd go to the e-vet if need be. I hope she's feeling better soon.
  3. I need a cocktail, Fenway needs the tranques.... Good lord, I just had to put his leash on him in the house, he just ran over Grace like she was a speed bump. Maybe I should now move this to "Cute and Funny" as Fenway is clearly feeling better, or better yet, I could move it to "Neurotic and Wacky".
  4. Oh crap...someone pushed his on button. :offwall (And that is a mild version of a 10 month old puppy that has not been able to run since Friday!) Anyone have any tranqulizers I could use?
  5. and what about baby Fenway, who has pearly white puppy teeth that get brushed daily, is on a high quality kibble (nature's something?? prairie), and who also smells rotten from across the room? I just started a digestive enzyme to see if that helps. I too find it sad that somone would poke fun at those people who care properly for their dog.
  6. Betsy, you have developed quite the palate haven't you? Please stop sharing your secrets with my angel baby!
  7. Thanks for the well wishes....his personality has not changed (well, until he had the wrap on) so I think he'll still be just as good once he's all healed up. It's just this week that is going to be a challenge as I have to keep him quiet....easier said than done. I have Fewnay at work with me today...I just went to check on him (11am) and he ripped the vet wrap off the sock, but left the sock alone. I guess the bitter apple is working! He can rip off all the vet wrap and socks he wants to...as long as he leaves the bandage alone. So far, so good. But, gulp, it's only Monday!
  8. Feel better soon Tania. Hugs from Fenway, who also does not feel good right now.
  9. Fenway went to the vet yesterday with a swollen infected toe. (See my post about my pathetic puppy face) Best we can tell, he had a puncture wound that I didn't know was there, and didn't even catch it when it first became infected because his only symptom was a a tiny limp. I didn't even see it when I clipped his nails. Anyhow, the vet cleaned it out and wrapped it, and sent me home with antibiotics and pain killers. I'm to leave the wrap on until Thursday (or until Fenway removes it) and then we'll check and see how it is. Try your best to keep the site of the injury clean and dry. Soaking, baby sock and bootie all sound like good ideas. I hope it heals quickly!
  10. Yeah, I'm not so sure that neoprene is all that digestible.....so there will be no boot eating! I plan to try the sock sprayed with Bitter Apple tomorrow and see how that goes. I can take the dogs to work with me, and while they can't be in my office I can check on them every couple of hours. I think his foot is either really sore or the wrap really bothers him because he has hardly gone to the bathroom at all today. And I tried the flexi leash out on him tonight in the yard in fear he would run, he HATES it. Poor little guy, Thursday can't come quickly enough for either of us. (The vet did give us both antibiotics and pain killers, so hopefully he's not to too much pain!) He's got a pretty dramatic limp going on right now.
  11. Would a poop cup work the same way as the taped muzzle? I might try to get one tomorrow if it will work.
  12. Fenway has been limping a bit but only on wood play chips/bark for a little over a week. Saturday AM he was on the couch cockroaching when he put his paws on my face (like he enjoys to do) but this time when I went to move his little foot I got the GSOD. Not good. Upon further inspection the outside baby toe on his right front foot was swollen, red and oozy. I messed with the oozy scabby part and it immediately started bleeding and he cried out again. Off to the vet we go. He has an infected toe that is all cleaned up and wrapped up as well. Best as we can tell it was a puncture wound that got infected, and it was hidden enough between the toes that I couldn't see it when looking at his pads or clipping his nails. So now I'm supposed to keep the bandage dry, and as luck would have it after about three weeks without rain in Seattle it did rain today. I bought booties last year so I was happy to have those on hand. He's been pretty good about leaving the bandage alone, but I'm around to watch him and tell him "leave it" when he starts picking . I got some Bitter Apple today and sprayed a few baby socks that I'll put over his bandage when I can't watch him this week. The vet said limited activity and only short walks until THURSDAY Any advice for keeping a 10 month old puppy quiet and also to keep him from chewing his bandage this week would be great. If you could also spare a few healing thoughts that would be great too, if it's not looking better on Thursday Fenway might have to go under and get a stitch or two. No fun! Look how pitiful he looks right now...
  13. Vacuum, wash all bedding, vacuum, and vacuum again. I'd apply one dose of Frontline to each of the dogs, that will kill every flea that may be on each of them, and prevent a further hatching on the dogs (I think). Keep an eye out in case any hatch in your house....likely vacuuming and washing bedding will take care of most, if not all of them. I found two fleas on Fenway last week, did what I mentioned above, and have not seen a flea since. Good luck!
  14. Really? Why? Will you come while I walk my dogs and make sure the strays don't attack them/me? NM, off topic. I'm glad Cody will recover, and the rottie will not be put down.
  15. Regardless of whether they have a fenced yard or not, every dog should be walked! ETA: Glad Cody is okay, sending healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.
  16. Greytalk makes me Worms are gross, any kind of worm. I'd want them gone too! Luckily I've only had to deal with the kind you can't see....and you should have seen me flip out when I found ONE flea on the puppy the other night. Since then they've been frontlined, and I've washed everything washable in my house. If the couch could fit, it too would have been washed. What an awesome co-worker you have!
  17. Fenway just had a bath after the picnic today, so we'll see if that helps. I'll apply frontline in a few days too.
  18. I hope not because I am too. I have not yet lifted my dogs tails....yet. I'm glad everything still works okay, um, that is WEIRD!
  19. This might seem like a really silly question. I've noticed recently that Fenway is quite ticklish. If you scratch at his sides near his tuck he gets the back foot going like Thumper. He's also quite ticklish between his two front legs when he is cockroaching (often!), if you scratch at this area of his chest/belly he gets the same twitchy legs. He also nits at his side/tuck area or his thighs a few times a day, sometimes he really gets going to get that itch really well. This lasts only 30-60 seconds, maybe 2-3 times a day. Grace rarely scratches at herself at all. I've checked for fleas, I don't think that's it. (I'd see them, or flea dirt, right?) I did change his food recently, but I think I started noticing the scratching before the food change, and I put him on a mimicked raw food (Orijen) so but it's chicken and fish, before he ate lamb and rice. Any ideas? It's not constant, and he's not scratching himself raw. I'm pretty sure he was doing this before the food switch, so I don't think it's allergies. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not! Sorry if this is silly and doesn't warrant time and attention H&M. (The tickle leg twitch is quite funny )
  20. Thanks for the well-wishes and condolences everyone. I wish all our pets could be so lucky to go out the way JP did, he was a happy dog (even when he was in pain) and was still mostly coherent when he passed. He was surrounded by lots of love, and was set free from his pain before it got debilitating. Run free and fast, godspeed!
  21. I am so sorry for your loss! Run free, sweet boy!
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