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Everything posted by Saharasmom

  1. Congratulations! She is a pretty dog. My grey Sahara was scared of her dog beds when she first arrived. She learned pretty quick what to do!
  2. I wish we'd taken pics of Sahara the day we took her home. I took a few on my camera phone, and that was it. It was so exciting.
  3. Welcome! She is pretty. I remember waiting for my grey - it was very hard! Did she break her leg?
  4. Thanks, Is this better? I resized them in photobucket, but I don't know if that is decreasing just the size of the MB too.
  5. I just want to see if my signature is right. I had trouble resizing some pics..
  6. She looks very sweet. And happy in her new home. Do her ears prick up like that often?
  7. Saharasmom


    I am so sorry for your loss. I always have loved seeing the pictures of Sequoia on your signature - she was beautiful. I hope you find peace in knowing that you made Sequoia happy during the time she spent with you.
  8. Thanks for the welcomes everyone. She really is the sweetest dog. we ordered her coat from Needlenose apparel. They did a great job - Sahara loves wearing her coat out because people always come up and say how cute she is in it. She just eats up all the extra attention it gets her. Also keeps her nice and warm.
  9. Hi there, I've posted a few times, but haven't done an intro as I hadn't figured out the pictures yet. Hopefully they will post. My husband and I adopted Sahara about 4 months ago. She is nearly four, and she had been placed in a home for about nine months. She and another greyhound were returned to the adoption group when their owner's schedule changed. She is a wonderful dog, so sweet and gentle. Her adjustment has gone really smoothly. Here is a picture of Sahara shortly after we got her. And here she is this evening all ready for her walk. (It is really hard to get her to look at the camera.) I've learned a lot from everyone here. Just wanted to show off my baby! --Rebecca
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