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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Jock...
  2. Oh, Cully, I am so sorry. I remember meeting JoJo at the first BG. What a sweetheart. Godspeed beautiful boy...
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Fifi.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss, Gil and Tim. Sending hugs. Godspeed Toby...
  5. yay.gif yay.gif yay.gif It does get better, doesn't it? It just takes lots of time, patience, prayers, and faith. Hugs,
  6. Well pooh I hope the old boy heals quickly. I also think he needs more milk bones to make him feel better
  7. GI bleeds, puking, lethargy and weight loss are symptoms of Addisons. My brother's chocolate lab was thought to have it. When I read up, it said they did a blood draw, gave an injection of some stuff (name escapes me) and then a blood test to measure levels because with addisons, they don't make enough cortisol. Preliminary blood work before the test checks BUN and creatinine levels. I read about it here when Weezer was sick: Addison dogs
  8. I agree with Batmom. Lene has covered all the bases with numerous vets and tests. Since she has had two days of doxy with the pred added and no fever, I would stay that course to see how Rudy responds. Hugs to Rudy and Lene
  9. Keep us posted on Fenway. We will be thining of you. Hugs,
  10. Jennifer, I am so sorry you and Lincoln are dealing with this. He is such a cutie. As actve as he is, I don't thinnk you'll have to worry about him not moving I will be interesting in what the other vets have to say. Although he is not a GH, my daughter's friend is going through this with a lab puppy. He is only 10 months and it is really bad. They are faced with weighing his quality of life, ie pain, vs their deep love for him. I don't believe they can afford a hip repalcement, and they are scared that they won't be abe to manage his pain. He waited a long time to find his home. He was the last of the litter to go, and now this. I am hoping for the best possible outcome for both these babies.
  11. There is still a kaopectate - kao-pec - that is for animals with no asprin-like substance in it. You can usually ifnd it at a farm and feed, a vet, or in some of the dog supply mags. The drug store stuff is way worse for cats, but not so awful for dogs when you are in a pinch. We use the liquid kao-pec for Chase when he flares, and I use the drug store stuff/caps on a limited basis if it is just a one day thing. Did you get instructions for the carafate for later when you are feeding him? There's an interval -- beween meals -- that you need to observe, so the meds have time to coat. At our house carafate is the bomb I hope Fenway is better very soon. If he vomits again, I would get him in ASAP.
  12. Beautiful boy I am very sorry for your loss.
  13. Just seeing this... sending good thoughts for Cougs and hugs for you
  14. Beautiful girl .... beautiful angel. I am so sorry for your loss,
  15. I missed this, and I miss you, Jan. So glad to finally see your post
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