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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Jake update: Jake did fine in surgery; however, they did not find the other testie. He was under an hour and a half. They checked the abdominal cavity and even looked on the other side in case they had crossed paths. He has about an 8" incision along side his man part. They will call about 1 p.m. to update me on his progress. When he is awake, I can go get him. I'm bummed abut this. To go through a surgery like that for that long and not come out with anything is disappointing. I hate it that Jake has to endure this for nothing Vet said we would pull blood in a month or so (checking on protocol) to check for testosterone. If he doesn't have any, then there was only one nut. If he still has some, Jake will have to see a surgical specialist. I'm going to ask about an ultrasound when I pick up Jake. I doubt that my vets do it, but someone close does. If they can find the nut that way, then that's what I want to do first. Bummer I'm not one to cry, but this makes me want to Thanks for the well wishes, guys. I appreciate it
  2. Chase is eating and had a good night. He treid to clean his face himself last night. He is asking to go out and seems more alert this morning. No metacam until this afternoon. I'm feeding his several small meals of homecooked, and I will feed him before his meds. Jake is at the vet... a little nervous but he went with Dr. C. He is the second one this morning, so Doc will have time to find Waldo. Jake did not poop, and I know with my hysterectomy, he would feel a lot better later on if he pooped now. I'm hoping he'll poop in the run b/c he's nervous. He won't go otherwise. I warned the vet that he does not follow my ex-racers classic behavior; he has no quiet reserve, won't crate, slips his collar (I keep it snug), but I forgot to warn him about Jake being so vocal. If he wants/likes/needs something, he is relentless. He used to live with a beagle, so he has somoe really good stuff
  3. Thanks I just feel like I should have seeb this coming He's had a little water, a little yogurt, and now home made chix and rice. He actually got a little bit of a nap in. Usually after dentals, he sleeps for hours, but not today. He doesn't get more pain meds until tomorrow. He is starting to look a little better. Tomorrow I will try to clean his face. Jake and Red want to be with him, and Jake wants to lie with him. I'm letting them visit, but I will kick them out soon. It was so weird with only two in the house today. We have always had two nad have only only had three since Oct, but boy was it weird
  4. Thank you all He is home. He lost 15 teeth. I had no idea they were that bad. Most of it was receded gums and exposed roots. He said once he pulled one the rest started to losen up because of the gums. None were surgically removed. He said because of the gums receding, that allowed the tarter to build. Quite likely some should have come out in Nov, but the cat doc (I just call him that) erred on the side of caution. He did Red's dental, too... and he had a couple loose front teeth but he left them for cosmetic reasons. No more dentals with him. I know it sin't his fault, but I wonder if we had taken some then and been more aggressive, if it would have made a difference. I am just sick about this. I knew angel Rex had a bad mouth. I could see it. I could not see the scope of what was going on in Chase's mouth I feel awful, and I know Chase feels worse. The vet promised that the teeeth he left were good.
  5. Good surgery, good lump, no cancer, and home by 5 p.m.
  6. Chase has a dental today and will lose some lower molars. His teeth were really good when he was younger but are getting worse as he gets older. He will be 8 next month. He was so nervous this morning at the vet's. Jake is scheduled for Tuesday for a neuter and a search and rescue for his misssing nut. I am nervous about this one (stressed about them maybe not coming out with the other one and/or him being in a lot of pain during recovery). I have no experience neutering anything older than 6 months. I have never had a cryptorchid. Vet says no running or jumping for 7-10 days. He'll be leash walked in the yard. I think, if he will use it, we'll use Vinnie's ramp to get him in bed, so we can sleep well and I can save my back. The vet actually thinks Chase will be in more pain and for a longer period of time than Jake. I told him we will need the large economy size bottle of metacam. He asked how big of a bottle did I want. I know there are lots of serious situations going on right now. I usually don't post about stuff like this, but should you have a spare good thought for my boys, please send it their way Thanks
  7. Maggie could have been extra sensitive to the roundup. All of the other pups are fine, right?
  8. Checking in on Poppy. I would feel the same way as you, Bev. I hope they are getting her better.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. Oh, Clare, I am so sorry Maggie had to leave. Sending hugs to you. Goodspeed sweet Maggie-girl.
  11. Just seeing this and sending pretty girl Poppy well wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery.
  12. a wonderful tribute to Kenny I'm glad he found a home with you.
  13. I don't think that most of were thinking that the doxy had calming effects. I believe that we thought it was taking care of whatever was causing the fever and making him feel bad. When he takes the doxy, his fever is lower, he feels better, so he acts better. Lene' Is the lower dose doxy per the vet or did you lower it? I also like the suggestion of different meds for the ears, if indeed, it is the ears. If it's yeast, then the meds have to treat the yeast and just cleaning with an otic solution won't do the whole job. We had a cocker years ago with ears that weren't good (floppy long ears with lots of hair). We used an old med caled panalog and used the blue otic solution to clean in between. If I could have propped her ears up for air to keep them dry, this combo would have worked just fine. I am so grateful for greyhound ears
  14. Could be two things going on at once. Is he still on doxy? from allivet website: Look for the following side effects that can indicate your dog may be havinga problem with Vetprofen or may have another medical problem : • Decrease or increase in appetite •Vomiting • Change in bowel movements (such as diarrhea, or black, tarry orbloody stools) • Change in behavior (such as decreased or increased activity level,incoordination, seizure or aggression) • Yellowing of gums, skin, or whites of the eyes (jaundice) • Change in drinking habits (frequency, amount consumed) • Change in urination habits (frequency, color, or smell ) • Change in skin (redness, scabs, or scratching)
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed precious girl.
  16. I am so sorry Lynn. Godspeed Joplin.
  17. I'm so sorry your Del had to go. Godspeed sweet boy.
  18. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Keota. Godspeed sweet boy.
  19. Checking in on Maggie and the both of you. I am so glad to read that Maggie had a peaceful night. I hope she eats her dinner
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