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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Godspeed Shayla...
  2. Oh man, Tom, I am so sorry. We will all miss your handsome boy. Godspeed Jed.
  3. I'm so sorry for you loss. Godspeed Dyna...
  4. Sending good thoughts for Elsie and hugs for you,
  5. I am so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Bessie...
  6. I am so sorry. Love that handsome face. Godspeed Quiet Man. Sending hugs,
  7. I am so sorry Lando had to leave. He and Lisa are togetehr again. Sending hugs,
  8. VinnieAndRexsMom


    So sorry Heather. My sympathies to your sister and her family. Godspeed little one...
  9. Wow! I need that site. I am never sure how many doses I will get. Thanks
  10. So glad to see an update and also happy that Penny is on the mend!!! Sucralfate/carafate is the bomb! Be sure to check the dosing directions re: other meds and food. I made a schedule for Vinnie so I could keep it straight. Sending hugs,
  11. We use this often. Chase and Jake have been on it for a week now. They gave us the 32 ml bottle since they are both on it. Usually, we get the smaller bottle b/c it is a one-time deal. Again, as they have explained, it is dosed by weight and that is clearly marked on the bottle. I think it smells like hyancinths. I frequently give it on a full tummy and with food as well; although, it says you can just squirt it on their tongue. This week Jake has decided not to eat like a farmhand, so he is getting it straight in the mouth after his supper.
  12. VinnieAndRexsMom

    My Aunt

    I am so very sorry for your loss.
  13. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  14. The littlest angel. Godspeed little one...
  15. Sweet baby and now a beautiful angel. Godspeed little one...
  16. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Beautiful girl I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. He has staples He has already losened three, and one of those is barely hanging on.
  18. Oh, Robin, I am so sorry. Healing thoughts coming Elsie's way...
  19. Jake had real turds this morning... a little light because of the kao-pec. He is a bit swollen around the incision, so he went to the first thing this morning. He's running a little hot, has a seroma, and swelling/irrritation due to his midnight licking. Soooo, we have antibiotics and I will be restricting his access to his man-parts.
  20. I was thinking about borax myself.
  21. He's eaten three times since last post. Had tramadol at 6:30 a.m. Went out to pee but no poop. Vet called. We're trying to do this with just tramadol today because of the gut.This morning I see a swollen pocket alongside the incision about 1 1/2 " long and about 1/2" wide. I am watching it. If it gets bigger, we'll be back at the vet. He is doing the three small, widely spaced steps out to pee nearly on his own on a leash and with a little help from me. He is finally settled for a bit. Thanks for asking
  22. He's home, he hurts, and won't eat. We got tramadol to go with the metacam. Carried him out to pee and poop. Good. Then had to carry out again. He had dark, bloody mucus-y loose stool. Called vet. They think it's stress of the surgery. Gave kao-pec form the vet to settle gut. I will wait to see what he does in the morning before I give metacam. I don't want that going dowwn on an already stressed gut.
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