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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy, Dodge. Sending hugs,
  2. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Ollie ...
  3. Gosh, her incision looks great! Jake's abdominal incision didn't look that good for two weeks. She does look like she's enjoying her meds Wishing Minerva a speedy recovery!
  4. I'm so sorry for you loss.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Kane.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Woody...
  7. I am so sorry the loss of your beautiful Chase.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Such a shock. Godspeed Keena.
  9. I am so sorry, Hilda. Godspeed sweet boy. Hugs to you, Hilda.
  10. My sympathies to you and your aunt. Gracie will be missed.
  11. I remember that once we got Red regulated, his dosage tapered off, but we started with .5 2Xs a day and went up. He worked up to .8 2Xs a day, leveled off for awhile, and then he needed it decreased. When he turned 8 they began using a different range, so we lowered again. He's been steady at .4 2Xs a day for almost two years now. We never changed his dosage without test results. I didn't want people to think we did this willy-nilly
  12. I would ask for it, or I would ask my vet to request it for me. I would definately get one though. I am one who uses the generic for my dog and myself. It works for us. Also to save money, I ask for the .8 tab and split it because his dose is .4 twice a day. It is nicely scored and I snap it with my thumbs with no problem. With the 1.0 recommended by your vets, since most of us give it twice a day, I am wondering if that is 1/2 of a 1.0 tab in the a.m. and the other half in the evening? That makes .5 twice a day, right? Hugs to Merlin
  13. You are welcome. It really worked for Bandit You only use a tiny bit each time.
  14. Jake had his check up today After two weeks of several seromas, an infection, and pain, Jake got two thumbs up from both vets. I guess that's four thumbs up, huh His staples were removed, he was felt up by both vets, and does not have to wear a pressure bandage or a shirt anymore. His incision has healed nicely. He has to do leash potties for 3-4 more days, and then he is free to do as he pleases. When we got home, he had full access to his man parts, gave a few good licks, and took a nap. He will have his hormone test on 8/29 and we are praying that his nut was a singleton and not a twin. Thanks for all you prayers and well wishes. We both appreciate it Jake says thanks, too.
  15. Cranberry is also very high in vit. C. As far as Cabby, my friends have a grey what always carried a low grade UTI that would keep flaring. After many courses of antibiotic they decided to use Solid Gold's Berry Balance with every meal and have had excellent results. Bandit has not had an infection since, and it has been years. It's a powder you sprinkle over the food. I babysat him for about a week and I never had a problem with him not eating his food/taking his suppliment. Check this out... especially the c. coli part halfway down the page. Cranberries
  16. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. I am so sorry Penny had to leave so soon.
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