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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. updates: He quit puking up last night at 11. He had a cow pattie poop at the same time. He pooped once again after that. He is not a loose pooper, so I think the AD did this as well. No puking today. She wanted to feed him today, and another vet in the practice said NO, not after the reaction he had to the AD. Bile acid test results are perfect. Cortisol is over 2, so we are marking liver function, shunts, and Addisons off the list. I'm not sure when they will gve the panacur. Poop results are tomorrow a.m. He is doing well. He is peeing and trotting back into the clinic. They are planning on trying to feed him pea sized amounts tomorrow morning. If he can keep it down, he comes home late after noon/evening. She wants to feed Royal Canin perscription duck and potato. We have asked about duck being an oily protein, but she says she has good luck with it. If he does not keep it down, they will keep him the rest of the weekend and scope him on monday. She also said something to Tess about surgery and that she talked to me about it. The only two things we talked about were biopsies later when he is neutered if they are needed and hypertrophy of pyloris (she says doesn't fit). I'm afraid that after the AD fiasco they will not have rested his gut enough by morning and he will puke. I keep thinking how I would feel after a flu lasting this long. I would not be ready for food anfter a high fat food puke. Forgot to add: Thanks for all the prayers
  2. I hope Cougs gets some relief from the accupuncture. Sending good thoughts for the chemo, too.
  3. No fever. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep Ady Bea in mind. I am glad she's better
  4. I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Godspeed Roady...
  5. Beautiful Fiona... Godspeed sweet girl. Hugs to you,
  6. Sending white light and prayers that the vets can diagnose this. I know you are stressed and scared. Sending hugs to you,
  7. Update X3 1)They skipped the X-rays and ran the U/S. She was on the phone with me while they were doing it. SHe checked out vet's x-rays and found nothing unusual. US showed all of his tiny parts and all looked pretty normal. She said he looks inflamed in the area of the stomach but pancreas looks fine. He has an enlarged lymph node and adrenals are a little small. Prostate is a little big but he is not neutered yet. She said Lymph could be due to age , and stomach could be because of whatever is going on. He is hypermodal but it also may be from whatever is making him sick. She is doing a bile acid test to eliminate liver problems and shunt. Liver enzymes are fine, but she doesn't have liver function. She checked sodium and potassium for a sign of Addisons. Both are normal. She is getting a baseline for cortisol. If it's less than 2, he will have Addison's test to make sure he isn't atypical Addisons. If he poops, she will check for giardia and whips, but I believe she is treating him with panacur (sp) just in case. She said he could have a food hypersensitivity or an overgrowth of heliocobactor. She wants to treat emperically rather than invasively for now. He will come home on a novel protein (she likes duck and potato), two antibiotics, and pepcid for at least three weeks. She also considered IBD though he is fine with the pooper. She said it happens sometimes. She considered hyper-something of the pyloris (thickened pyloris) but she said it doesn't fit. He wouldn't have gotten better since he was sick in Feb. and he did get better. 2) So, Moose had not thrown up since 7 p.m. last night. He had been getting his cerenia and pepcid. We were on track for starting the new food, him keeping it down, and coming home soemtime tomorrow. To do bile acid they had to feed him a food with higher fat content, and he regurgitated on her later. She was clear and firm about regurg and not vomiting. Soooo, she added reglan to the drip to settle his tummy. They will try the duck later -- don't know how much later-- if he doesn't throw up again. She also asked to do an x-ray to make sure he wasn't getting a dialated esophagus. He didn't have one yesterday, but she said with all the vomiting he has done, she was worried about the acid. She said he is perky and waggy. When she came in to examin him this morning, he crawled up on her and wanted held. She said he is the sweetest thing and everybody loves him. She most small dogs do not have that tpe of personality. The ER urses are carrying him around and cuddling and talking babytalk to him. She said he looks really good. 3)Tess just checked on him at 7. He has been puking from the high fat food for two hours. He got reglan in the drip starting 5 p.m. Everytime they try to move him, he barfs. I think we just made it worse and lost ground. We were so hopeful earlier today. Tess is scared and I am worried and sad. He can't come home until he quits throwing up and can keep down his new food. This little baby needs to get better.
  8. Thanks guys Yes, we are all worried and scared. Moose just turned 2 on August 17th, He's just a baby. We not sure about swallowing sonething. We keep everything up and away from the greys and have step on trash cans because of my Chase, but if Moose sees one little thing on the floor, in his mouth it goes. If it's big enough to cause a problem, we usually see it first and get it up. Sometimes we have to take stuff away from him though. He chews rawhides, but doesn't swallow chunks; he makes them soppy and walks away. He does get them worn down though. When they get small we take them away. He has had a little bit of a puking problem since even before Tess got him. (he was 8 months when he came to her) If he drinks water and runs around too much, up it comes. Same with too much water, he urps up a little. And in the morning, he spits up a couple of times. We used to think it was an empty stomach like my Rex used to do, but Moose eats his kibble at night after we go to bed. At first when she got him, if he didn't eat, he'd throw up, chake, and look out of it. We wondered about a sugar problem, but sugar was good yesterday when my vet tested him. My mom thinks this is something he has always had and it got worse as he got bigger. I'm rteally wondering the same. I think we're ahead because we haven't seen blood or anything like coffee grounds. I called to check last night after we got home and again this morning at 6:25 a.m. The nurse this morning must have just gotten in b/c she read from the chart. I was hoping to get Elizabeth wh was taking care of him during the night. His chart notes say that he continued his injectable drugs and has not thrown up since 7 p.m. It doesn't say whether he slept. Vet will call this afternoon after the tests are run. I'll know more then. Thanks again
  9. I don't normally ask for prayers, but I am asking for Moose. He is so sick. He has been under the care of our vets for the last two days and has been home with us when not with them. He threw up Tuesday 6 p.m. and lost his undigested supper, adn his lunch may have been in there too. I did not feed him that much He threw up his cookies at around 2 a.m. Wed, so we gave him his cerenia. Didn't work. He was puking bubbly mucosy clear fluid off and on all day and even at the vets. Vet gave sub-Q because he was a little dehydrated. He gave a reglan shot and some amoxicillin. Moose was better later that night and acting like himself. He slept all night, and when his feet hit the floor this morning, he started throwing up again. His liquid reglan came back up. Back to our vet at 1:30 for X-rays and bloodwork. Bloodwork is somewhat the same as in Feb when he had a 24 hour episode like this. X-rays showed nothing, but they weren't real good pictures either. He had an IV with glucose and fluids and torb-whatever to quiet him b/c he was squirmy during X-rays. So, I picked Moose up from our vet, and he was groggy from the torb they gave him. He spit up about 5 times from the time we got him and the time we handed him over. E-vet tonight super nice and thorough, and I was comofortable at the hospital. I don't have the list with me, but from when I can rememeber he is getting IV fluids with a pump, reglan, cerenia, pepcid (my fav), two more x-rays in the a.m. b/c my vet's are not the best, probably an ultrasound, ampicillin, two consults (one tonight and one in the morning), 24 hour care, and a nurse whose only job is to stand in the ICU watch and check on the pets. Vet tomorrow specializes in small animals and intestinal problems. I feel he's in good hands. I just called to check on him. He's not thrown up since they gave him the cerenia and pepcid. *fingers crossed* Moose is such a tiny boy, and we are all very worried. DD is a mess. He is her world. We need him to get better and come home.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed sweetheart...
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed beautiful angel...
  12. Sending good thoughts for Warlock BTW, one of my three country vets is good at diagnosing Cushings. Those small town boys can surprise you!
  13. Beautiful callie is now a beautiful angel. So sorry for your loss,
  14. I'm so sorry Junie had to leave. Hugs to you,
  15. Beautiful Bull... Godspeed sweet boy. Send your mom a sign.
  16. Holly, I am so sorry Outlaw had to go. Hugs to you,
  17. Beautiful Juneau Hugs to you in the days ahead...
  18. Good thoughts coming... Hugs for you, too. I know you are worried.
  19. Too young to go so soon I am so sorry for your loss.
  20. Oh Flashy, I am so sorry you had to leave. Please send Mommy a sign, will you sweet boy? Patti, My heart breaks for you, Fred, Renee, and your puppers. You know, we a e a week away from my beautiful black boy leaving. I think all but two of our babies -- Vinnie and GingerKitty-- have gone "home" in September. I promise that all the Smith angel babies will be waiting for Flashy to welcome him and show him the way. Sending big hugs to you,
  21. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Love the picture f you and Dempsy He's running with all the old boys at the bridge. They were a great group of pups, weren't they Sending hugs to you today, Heather...
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