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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, she was just a baby! Far too young to have fought and lost such a brave battle. I'm so sorry.
  2. You must be absolutely devastated. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  3. Oh, my gosh, she was so beautiful! And seventeen...I'm just thinking what the two of you must have shared and gone through together. Though I know she had a wonderful life with you, I can understand why your heart is breaking. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  4. I've heard milk thistle mentioned a few times, but am not sure what it's used for. What is it for?
  5. I'm so sorry you've gotten this sad news about Cuffy. I had good luck with the artemisinin for Winnie's osteo, but I'm not familiar with the nerve sheath tumor. Sending prayers and white light to both of you.
  6. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. What a wonderful life you gave her in her senior years.
  7. Yikes, little girl! I'm glad there was no harm done, but I think you probably put your Mom's heart into fibrillation with that GSOD.
  8. Ah, Kristin, I'm so sorry that you and Bonnie are going through this. Please don't apologize for venting. You NEED to do that. If it helps at all, please know that we are all waiting with you. Your brave little girl is in our prayers.
  9. Oh, Linda, my heart is aching for you. I can understand your anger and your pain. I think that's a stage you have to go through as you try to process your worst nightmare becoming real. As you think about decisions and what is right for Cricket and for you, you'll become more focused on that. Please don't let that sadness steal this precious time away from you. Thank-you for posting her pictures. What a beautiful girl she is. You will both be in my prayers.
  10. I'm so sorry. Such a difficult decision, but one you have made out of love for your sweet boy.
  11. Exactly! A few tears here too, as I looked at his pictures (thanks for posting them). You can tell he is enjoying those simple pleasures that make life so sweet. And so are you. Happiest of birthdays, Bodie. You are our hero.
  12. Oh, Linda, I'm so sorry you and Cricket are going through this. I know it's hard to think of anything else when you are so worried about your baby girl. Sending prayers and good thoughts and white light out to you and Cricket.
  13. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. It does sound like the two of you were meant to be together.
  14. Oh, yeah, Kim, those are tapeworm segments. If you think those are gross, you should see the actual adult tapeworm. It looks almost like a tapemeasure, hence the name, I guess. I was going to tell you about a lovely experience I once had with an adult tape and one of my cats, but I think nothing would be accomplished by grossing everyone out. I'll just let you think of your own visual! And yes, the hookworms are as fine as a hair. And the roundworms (which most puppies have) look like spagetti! I guess I'm determined to gross someone out---sorry. It's just that I worked for a vet for 10 years, and an animal shelter for 20, so not much fazes me. You have to get rid of the fleas to get rid of the tapes, because if there are any fleas left and she ingests one, that will start the tapeworm cycle all over again. But that's all it takes. That, and some Droncit. Good luck!
  15. I was just on the site, but the pictures are all of the old place in Shaler. I'm interested in seeing the new one. But one thing I can tell you for sure: they will be expensive!!!
  16. Oh, no! Your sweet old man was just being abused by that mean bunny. So hard to believe you've lost him. The suddenness makes that loss even more difficult, so I can't imagine the pain you are feeling now. What a lovely, elegant (though he might not have known it) old gentleman he was. I'm so, so sorry. Sending hugs to you and his family. Dee did such a beautiful siggie for you. She's so sweet, isn't she?
  17. You're right, she will heal a little more each day. Sometimes the body is weaker than their strong and resilient spirits, so we have to be patient. The ups and downs at this stage of the journey are more upsetting because we can't help but wonder if we did the right thing. It's normal for you to feel like that because you love her so much, but please know you did make the right decision. She wants to be here. I'm so glad you posted her picture. Now we can picture her beautiful face when we remember her in our prayers.
  18. Oh, I'm so sorry. I know how hard your decision was, but it was made out of love for your precious girl. Now free of pain, she knew she was loved till the very end.
  19. I'm thrilled that they have opened where they are too. Working at Animal Friends shelter, it's good to know that this facility is now less than 1/2 a mile away! They are going to have an open house soon---I think it's July 12, but I'll have to make sure. Everyone can tour, and see just what the excitement is all about. Co-workers who have seen it say it is amazing. Hope Goldie's appointment goes well.
  20. Ah, the sweet old man...so glad he's feeling more like himself, or even like himself in younger days. You are exactly right---celebrate these good times. They are yours and his to treasure.
  21. Oh, Kristin, hugs to you and Bonnie. It's bad enough to be worrying about her when you are right there with her, but to do it long distance is especially hard. I hope you hear something one way or the other, and this is a minor setback. Bonnie, be safe, be well, lymphnodes be small! Bonnie, be safe, be well, lymphnodes be small!
  22. It's hard to find words, or make sense of such a tragedy. What a terrible loss.
  23. She is SO beautiful! Hope the T-shirt works for her. Those E collars are no fun. She seems to be adjusting really well---coming when the fridge door opens is a good sign. Sending lots of healing thoughts.
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