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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/144544751"width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="https://vimeo.com/144544751">Ben</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/user15467092">Jan Radke</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  2. Cardiomyopathy..oh how I hate this word. Unexpectantly, we had to say good bye to Ben this morning. He seemed fine until last evening when he gradually got weaker and weaker and was not able to stand on his own. Our vet came to our home this morning, and while we held him, pet him and kissed him, we also said good bye. Although we would never be ready to say good bye, Ben was tired and this was most loving thing we could do for him. I will never be able to write a proper tribute to him, he was so special and we love him so much, I could never put this into words. There was always something special about him, even though we had 3 greyhounds, everyone gravitated towards Ben. And how often do we get to spend 10.5 glorious years with our hounds...I will always treasure this. It's comforting knowing that even though this was unexpected, Ben got to do many of the things he loved this past weekend. He went on lots of walks, went to the farm where he could sniff and smell everything to his heart's content. He got his last walk at the Farmers' Market on Saturday where he had become a favouite of some of the vendors who showered him with love and, more importantly, yummy treats. We are so blessed that he was so healthy right up to the end and never suffered. I am also very thankful that Ben attended Dewey one last time this year and I got some pics of him running on the beach...unleashed. Ben spent more of his life off-leash than on and I took a lot of crap from some people, but it was worth every second to watch the look of pure joy on his face. He welcomed 3 females into our home and did a greyt job of training them, and for this I will always be grateful. I have lots of pics of him and created some photo books, so we will always have lots of wonderful memories. I know at some point, I will be able to look at them and smile, but right now my heart is too badly broken, I am overwhelmed with giref, and just need to breathe to get through some of this pain. We love you Ben with all of our heart and will always miss you. Goodbye sweet Ben, you were the best greyhound ever. You will rest in our hearts forever.
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Gypsy.
  4. I wonder if your dh got bit because she's been punished for growling. Growling is their way of communicating and letting you know she doesn't like what you're doing, even if it's sitting close to you. If you punish for growling they may not growl, rather just go for the bite next time. You may also want to look up calming signals. Tongue flicks, licking their mouth, yawning are all signs of a dog who may be anxious or uncomfortable and is trying to let you know. Don't hit her with your fingers. You're more likely to increase her fear of you and end up with worse problems which is why you should seek out a trainer who only teaches positive reinforcement. Dogs learn by association and consequence, so it's difficult without further details to know what may be going on here. I hope you can get the help you need, because she'll sense your fear and anxiety.
  5. I'm so happy for you...you must be so relieved. I really really hope he continues to do well and gain weight.
  6. imo 30 minutes is not enough exercise for such a young greyhound. I would guess that he drags because he doesn't want to walk any more, rather than tiredness. I have a 13.5 y/o who routinely walks for an hour a couple of times a day. A year ago he could still do 3 hour hikes quite easily. I really hate the "45 mph couch potato label" and think it may be used by people who are not into exercise so their greyhound doesn't benefit either. All of our greyhounds have or had hiked with us. Years ago our first 2 hounds could run 10k with us.We've never really built them up, rather we just get them walking with us as soon as we adopt them. I don't really have any suggestions about how to make walking more fun, but I do suggest getting more exercise in a way he finds joy in it. good luck eta: 30C is hot so he may be tired from the heat though (sorry, I forgot that point). Do you have air conditioned malls, etc. where you could walk, or a beach where you could walk along the water's edge?
  7. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss of Oscar
  8. I know I've already said this, but I am so happy for all of you.
  9. my heart dropped when I saw the title. I am so sorry you had to go through this but am so happy for you (crying tears of joy here) that he is on his way to good health again. It always reminds me to never take a moment for granted. I really hope we can meet up this weekend.
  10. I just got the Ruffwear harness for Ben and love it. I was able to buy it at a outdoor sports store (Adventure Guide) so I could try it on him right away to make sure it fit properly. Robin told me about it and a vet told her it was perfect for a greyhound.
  11. such a beautiful tribute...I am sharing tears of sadness for a life well lived and loved, but gone far too soon
  12. I am so sorry and my thoughts are with you.
  13. so glad Jeff is home where he belongs. I'm sure he is too! Did Vonnie miss him?
  14. Lisa, I'm so sorry, I'm just seeing this now. Such a beautiful tribute to Mirage, and it's so obvious how much you loved him. My thoughts (and tears) are with you as you mourn your sweet Mirage.
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