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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. this is so heartbreaking, I'm so sorry. Can you call your vet and ask for details or a possible explanation?
  2. I'm so sorry to see this. Corinna is such a special girl and I know how hard it is to lose them unexpectently and you. I remember when you adopted her after Hobbes passed and how good she was with the girls. I wish I had some words of comfort for you, but please know my thoughts are with you, dh and your girls. I remember her from a couple of events and she really was a sweet girl.
  3. He sounds like a wonderful boy who had a greyt life. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  4. I didn't realize Brooke died unexpectantly 4 days after Benny. It is tough to move on, even with new hounds. I still cry when I read remberance posts because I know how sad and painful it is.
  5. We adopted 2, but adopted them about 1 month apart. Some people believe it's easier to train both at the same time, however, with our 2, one is easier to train than the other. However, we love them both the same amount and I don't think adopting a month apart made a big difference in our case. If I was going to adopt 2 again, I would do it together so they can learn together. This link may help refresh your memory because it has a lot of good info. http://www.adopt-a-greyhound.org/misc/on_the_farm/socialization_of_pups.shtml
  6. Janet, I am so sorry...what lovely memories, especially running with her pups after a difficult birth. My thoughts remain with you as you adjust to life without her, a very painful, sad process.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss of Gigi, but she received lots of love and loved in return diring her last few years...I hope you will gain comfort in this.
  8. My thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery. We had to have one of Bailey's toes amputated years ago. But she had some issues. Her toe was not amputated high enough, so the end always touched the ground and she had to wear a therapaw. I'm not mentioning this is scare you, rather just something to check with your vet before the surgery. Other than that, no other issues, she was fine on soft surfaces, it healed it quickly and it never bothered her.
  9. Firsts can be so hard. I guess any anniversary of losing a pup is heartbreaking. This will be our first Dewey in 11 years without Ben. Firsts can be very emotional is so many ways
  10. What behaviour is Wyatt exhibiting?
  11. My thoughts are with you, Cindy. Although it gets easier, it's still painful,especially losing our pups so close together. I find the "firsts" really difficult. The first birthday without them, the first Dewey without them, the first Christmas without them, and on and on
  12. I really wish with all my heart that she was here so we could celebrate. I miss her and love her so much. It still really hurts to adapt to life without her. In honour of Brooke, hugs your hounds, you never know how long they will be with us. And it's never long enough
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet boy. The hardest part is learning to adapt to each new day without them
  14. I'm so sorry for your losses. I really feel your pain since losing Brooke 2 months ago from cancer. And although people say it's the most loving thing you can do, it's painful and debilitating. Please know I am thinking of each and everyone of you and share your tears and sorrow.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss of Riley Roo and his stuffy.
  16. I hope you get some comfort knowing that some day Mercer will find the perfect home just as Wayne has with you. Mercer will be fine and you probably helped him more than you know by documenting everything you learned about him enabling your adoption group to find the home where he will thrive. I imagine this must be bittersweet, but my experience is that our greyhounds have all made a smooth transition in a short period of time. Our current new girl, Emmy, went from the track, had surgery, was in a prison program, then lived for a foster family until we adopted her. These new situations occurred within 3.5 months. She has settled in nicely, we are bonding more everyday, and she acts like she's been with us a lot longer than 3 weeks. I am always amazed to see them adapt so quickly to home life considering they are not raised to be pets (generally speaking). Mercer will find his place. Although it was painful, you made a loving decision for both Mercer and Wayne. Best wishes for all of you.
  17. We adopted 5 and none have had separation anxiety, nor do I have any friends whose greyhounds suffered with SA. So I wouldn't say a lot of greyhounds have SA, simply because that isn't my experience. However, your adoption group may have had may people contact them needing help with SA. Please keep in mind that we will have exposure to SA behaviour issues because more people with post for help on here than those whose greyhound is fine. I also have a few friends who have and/or had a single greyhound and they were fine too. We had an only for about 6 weeks and she was fine. Again, I imagine it's all based on perspective.
  18. Dick, can you please provide your opinions regarding Nitro Si. thanks Jan
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