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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. I'm convinced Sophia met Cody at the bridge & they've been causing havoc ever since!! here are some pix... The dreaded Halloween costume!! Ok, well... just a HAT is OK... In the snow with her favorite pal, Elmo And her other favorite, the brown ball In the coat that Mo (TinyMityMo) made for her!! In all her cuteness...\ And her big smile (I really miss that too...) (Smile out-take!!) I have millions more but that will do it for now...
  2. Wanted to do a Remembrance of my Cody girl - it's a few days early so I won't forget to do it on the 28th... I picked up Cody when she was 4, from the same haul as some friends' 2nd grey. When I got her home, I called them and said "I have my greyhound!" and they said "Which crate was she in?" I said - the end one on the top... and there was silence! I found out LATER that Cody was the loudest one there when they went to pick out Cleo!! SHe wouldn't stop barking and scratching at the front of the crate - and she had one PIERCING bark too!! (Didn't read the rule books, I guess...) Anyway, after being told she'd be fine with my cat, I took her home & inside the house- and good thing she was on leash with a muzzle 'cause she LUNGED at the cat, staring & drooling! (If I'd known then what I know now, I'd probably have returned her that day...) She was VERY hard to cat-train - took years and years and even then, they only had a truce! She was my first dog (and my only so far) - and what a good girl she was! (Apart from the cat, the leather-chewing, the counter surfing... um.. well, she was MOSTLY good! ) She was a top notch roacher, huge chatterer and whoofer-of-jowls (and those are what I still miss most...), loved her walks (3 times a day no matter the weather), LOVED food (even though, with her stomach, she couldn't eat very many things!), loved rides in the car, HATED wearing Halloween costumes, and was a great first!! I do still miss her but it's with a fond smile now (at least if I can avoid thinking about her last week... everyone here will understand that without elaboration...) and someday she'll show me my new grey - just not right now! Keep runnin' free at the bridge, Cody girl - and show all the newbies around, eh? (I'll add pix once I'm at work - easier there...) Edited.. 'cause I spelled her name wrong in the title!! (typo I didn't catch when I re-read the post..)
  3. A friend's grey was preliminarily diagnosed with OS but it wasn't... something had eaten away the bone in her wrist. Now they think it was a weird auto-immune disease which USUALLY only occurs in puppies and USUALLY is in all 4 legs. But she (at 5) had it only in one. So there ARE other things besides OS... unfortunately OS is the most likely
  4. Yay for Monty!!! Yay for Karen!!!! Yay for Sam!!!! Yay for everyone here at GT!!!!!! Great news! [bTW... Kerry... WHERE did you get that broccoli emoti?! And Bev... what about the cartwheel emoti??]
  5. Great vidclip!! And I loved the third length(I think) where he must have put his nosey in the water... a quick head shake to clear it!! I love Winslow too & can't wait for the party!!
  6. Hey Brett - yeah, I remember when they first got Dowland too - and Sandy & Arlo (to whom I would sing - he never really appreciated it, I think...)
  7. Hugs, Judy! Hope Jack allows the acu to work...
  8. Isaac & Jeff - I'm so sorry Dowland had to leave you. He was a sweetie - quiet & unassuming but demanding pets in his own way. I'll miss him too.
  9. I love Sarah Snavely's stuff - I looked at those at Dewey and they're really gorgeous. It suits Ember to a T...
  10. Tom, I'm so so sorry Ember has lost her fight. It's too soon...
  11. I also would make SURE the films get to Dr. Cuoto!! He really is a saint!
  12. Cody's bandage looked just like that when she cut her pad & had stitches... Vinny... heeheehee
  13. Welcome to GT! Arrow is beeee-you-tee-ful!! And that name is on my list for pups - then I can sing 'Me and My Arrow' to them!
  14. One of my cats had them when I got her and so I had to treat BOTH cats with drontal - it's REALLY REALLY expensive at the vets but apparently you can get it online for much cheaper! Good luck, Christie! Hope the beasties are gone for good! And Happy Birthday, Mr. Bootsy!!
  15. ozgirl2

    Edna The Rat

    I'm so sorry... I love ratties. I have many at the ratty bridge. Run free, Edna!
  16. Wouldn't that be the PUParazzi?? Yay for Winslow! LOVE the wig & scarf - Dude, they'll NEVER find you now!
  17. If you have an acupuncture vet nearby, that probably would help her a lot! It helped Cody when she had the back/rear leg issue!
  18. I'm so sorry, June... losing one is very hard but two...unbearable... Hugs & purrs to you & your family
  19. Hi Glynis! You HAVE to post occasionally or Jeff will boot you off!!
  20. I have some pictures of Renie from last fall (07) that I don't think I ever sent you, Judy. I'll try to remember to upload them to Photobucket & post them here (or email them to you or both) once I'm back at work - this internet at home is too slow... Hugs...
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