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Everything posted by Greys4Us

  1. Nothing can sooth the pain of experiencing the loss of a good companion. My condolences to you. Run free sweet Marble.
  2. I'm so sad to hear this. And so sorry. It's the worst kind of grief to experience when something so unnecessary happens like this. Henry was loved and cherished while he was with you and I'm sure he felt that love; please keep that in your heart during this dark time. Run free sweet Henry.
  3. What a handsome boy! This is so sad and shocking. You loved and cared for him and I'm sure that he was very happy while he was with you. Take comfort in that if nothing else. I'm just so sorry.
  4. So sorry to learn this. My heartfelt sympathy. Run free sweet Red.
  5. So sorry to read this, but Ward was loved very much by wonderful people who gave him the chance. Run free sweet Ward free of pain.
  6. I agree. Give him the benefit of the doubt if he's a good vet. Mine has tough days too but he's a great vet and I care more about how he treats my animals than how he treats me. It's not about me.
  7. One of our volunteers has a seizure hound and she bought an x-pen and padded it. It has a few pillows and a fluffy bed and blankets in it too. This gives her hound more space to move around and if she has a seizure, she is protected from getting hurt on furniture, etc. It works really well.
  8. So sorry for your loss. Godspeed Brandy.
  9. I know how hard this must be because I just went through it. Our love, thoughts, are with you as you take this difficult path. I learned one important lesson from my recent loss......how to live in and appreciate the moment. They so deserve our love, respect, and our mourning when they go. Hugs to you.
  10. So sorry for your loss. We lost our very first greyhound a long time ago to IBD. Run free sweet boy, you are well and free from illness and pain. You will remember those who loved you and will be waiting at the bridge patiently for them.
  11. Oh how awful this must have been for you. Please accept our cyber hug from a long distance. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
  12. This is so sad. Another one taken way too soon. You have my deepest sympathy. Godspeed sweetheart.
  13. So sorry for your loss. What beautiful photos and such a loving tribute.
  14. Oh my......Godspeed sweet little one........
  15. I'm so sorry; Godspeed little Glitter.
  16. Greys4Us

    Nutty Charlene

    This is so very heartbreaking. Thank you for finding her and bringing her home.
  17. So sorry for your loss. What a sweet and loving tribute.
  18. I'm so sorry to hear this Jayne. Run free sweet baby and look for Craiger (he left for the bridge on the same day a month ago); he'll show you how to jump over the gates
  19. Greys4Us


    So sorry for your loss. Godspeed sweet girl.
  20. Oh, you are wrong! You most certainly did make Marla happy. Please look closely at those photos you just posted! Bless you for giving this sweet dog your love when it was needed. God speed Marzie-Doates.
  21. We've used the same vet clinic for years and are lucky to have the vets there as they are within walking distance of our house! They see all fosters and our own greyhounds. Sometimes they take the dogs in the back but I don't have a problem with it. The dogs stay in the room for shots and blood tests, exams, nail clipping, etc. If they leave the room with the dog, it's because some of the technicians are in the back and it's easier for them to take the dog to them for some proceedures. We don't have a problem with that.
  22. What a handsome boy. Godspeed.
  23. Greys4Us


    So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful dog.
  24. Greys4Us

    Foxy Promise

    What a wonderful tribute to Foxy. Since dogs live in the moment, his last moments were filled with love. That's all any of us can ask for. I lost a wonderful boy last month after only having him for a few months. But I'd like to believe that he was meant to come to me and we were to be together. It seems now that length of time spent together is secondary to the wonderful memories that we will have for a lifetime. Thanks for giving him the chance he was waiting for for so long.
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