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13.5 Yr. Old Grey Won't Eat

Guest lunabelle

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Guest lunabelle

've only just joined this group but desperately need some help with our 13.5 yr. old grey who is absolutely refusing to eat. Things have gotten to the point where we fear we will have to euthanize dear Luna if we can't her to eat soon as otherwise she will starve.


Luna first began having problems three weeks ago. She'd become incontinent and was showing signs of distress, crying and agitated. The emergency vet diagnosed her with a urinary infection and put her on an antibiotic for a week. During this period Luna's appetite first began to decline markedly. We took her in to our regular vet (Joel Fisher, Raleigh, N.C.--very experienced with greys) about two weeks ago and he both examined and took blood from Luna. The examination and blood tests showed no signs of cancer, diabetes, or major organ failure. (I had thought her kidneys were failing but apparently not.)


Late this past week, we had to take Luna back to the vet as she was still eating very poorly and had intermittent diarrhea. This time, Joel Fisher diagnosed Luna with a high fever and sent us home with some Bil-Jac food and medication. Luna's temp has now dropped to almost normal but she is still refusing to eat.. For example, from Friday to Saturday night we only got 3-4 pieces of cooked stew meat and less than two pieces of pressed turkey sandwich meat in her.


We've also tried to get her to eat scrambled and raw egg, yogurt, her Canida Platinum kibble, the Bil-Jac and a natural canned dog food from Whole Foods. Luna is currently refusing all these foods. We've also tried to get her to eat a variety of dog biscuits over the past week. She's eaten them for a day or so and then began refusing them. She is beginning to lose weight. Since last night, the only thing we've been able to get in her is a few small spoonfuls of peanut butter, which I stuck inside her upper lip.



**Any help here would be much appreciated as we are desperate!!!**

Mary L. Cook

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I am sure others will be more helpful than me but when our previous dog who was 18 years old (not a grey) wouldn't eat, we fed her chicken livers. I just sauteed them up in a lil oil..they are really cheap. the dogs love the smell of them. Our vet also showed us how to give her iv fluids to keep her hydrated so I didn't have to keep going back to the vet weekly to do that. Maybe your vet can show u. I paid for a few bags of the fluids. It wasn't hard to do. if I could do it anyone can cause I am not a big fan of needles..but it was easy. sending prayers and hugs

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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A "high fever" obviously isn't normal, and I'm a bit perplexed why she wasn't put on an IV and kept at least overnight at the vet.


I'd use a large syringe (no needle) and squirt meat flavored baby food into her mouth. The weaker she gets, the less appetite she'll have.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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How worrying. When my 3 kidney dogs got to end stage they went off food and wouldn't eat anything and then they went off water too, with euthanasia the only kind option. But the vet said the organs (Liver and Kidneys) were OK; maybe they are not know and there is acute Kidney failure?

Ask your vet if you can syringe feed (already suggested), but also ask if you can give Kidney disease drugs including Sub-Q solution to rehydrate and flush kidneys, Calcitrol, Sucralfate and an anti-emetic. The vet could also give a shot of steroids. The digestive system must be re-started by any means and if the dog feels better (less nauseaous) then it is more likely to eat.


Visit this site for comprehensive information on handling dogs with kidney issues.

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Guest lunabelle

I forgot to say that by noon today, Luna's temp was down to 101.8, which I believe is in the normal range. However, she still isn't eating and about 20 min. ago, she vomited up some of the peanut butter I' ve been giving her. She *has* been drinking water regularly ever since this awful cycle began..


I'll see about trying the baby food. Years ago, I used this technique with a cat who wouldn't eat. (Turns out her liver was failing.)


Thanks to everyone who has responded with suggestions


Mary and Luna

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Guest lunabelle

How worrying. When my 3 kidney dogs got to end stage they went off food and wouldn't eat anything and then they went off water too, with euthanasia the only kind option. But the vet said the organs (Liver and Kidneys) were OK; maybe they are not know and there is acute Kidney failure?

Ask your vet if you can syringe feed (already suggested), but also ask if you can give Kidney disease drugs including Sub-Q solution to rehydrate and flush kidneys, Calcitrol, Sucralfate and an anti-emetic. The vet could also give a shot of steroids. The digestive system must be re-started by any means and if the dog feels better (less nauseaous) then it is more likely to eat.


Visit this site for comprehensive information on handling dogs with kidney issues.


Many thanks for relating your experience with kidney disease and your guys. If it turned out Luna's kidneys or liver were failing, we would definitely euthanize her as she's too old for any other option. Actually, our vet took some more blood from Luna on Friday in order to run some more tests. We'll almost certainly be taking her back in to the vet late tomorrow.

Edited by lunabelle
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Guest shanesmom

When my greyhound Shane was ill with cancer and would not eat, the vet suggested mixing his food with a little stinky canned cat food. He did eat that.

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You can also try Ensure... they also make a dog-specific version called "DoggieSure". I had good luck with both of those when dealing with inappetance.

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest greyers

Ughhh. I am so sorry that you guys are going through this. I really feel like there is something medical these tests have missed but I have no idea what. It just isn't right. I hope that the new set of blood tests can shed some light on something. :(


You have had a lot of great advice in both threads regarding food that might get her interested in eating something. The only thing I will add is Stella and Chewy's dehydrated raw paties. They have been a lifesaver for Pru and they were recommended to me by a woman who had a very sick dog who wouldn't eat anything but finally she was able to get her to eat with these. It would bankrupt us to feed 2 greyhounds only Stella and Chewy's but all it takes for us is 1-2 mixed into kibble. http://www.stellaandchewys.com/dog-products.php


Best of luck to you and Luna.

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Guest lunabelle

My thanks again for everyone's feedback here. For now, we've begun squirting baby food from a syringe into her mouth every hour or so. We just want to do the best we can for Luna. She's been such a wonderful hound--gentle, sweet, and playful.

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At the risk of sounding insensitive, could it be that at 13.5 yrs Luna is trying to tell you that she's had enough? I know how hard this time is for you because I've BTDT. :bighug

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Get something for her stomach. Antibiotics tear the stomach up! Carafate is good.


Offer boiled meat. Warm canned food slighted in the microwave and hand feed. Try cheese. Hamburgers from McDonalds.


Anything to get her over the antibiotics. Isaac just got picky after being an kelfex for 10 days. Around day 7, he really was not eating well and this is the one I call fat boy. Off antibiotics for 2 days and he's back to normal, yodeling for food.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest jeremiahsmom

When our 13 year old Grey broke his leg in April, he stopped eating for a couple of weeks. He did eat double bacon cheeseburgers from Wendys (minus the bread and vegetables). I went to the store and bought canned Salmon, canned cat food, deli ham and turkey, tuna fish. I would just try something until he decided to eat it. There were days when I stopped at a few different fast food places and bought different things to try to get him to eat. I understand your frustration. We were at our wit's end. Thankfully, once he got off of the pain meds, he started eating again. I wish you luck.

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Also, try acid reducer pills. Pepcid. And do a search here for "satin balls" or "fat balls". That recipe might help. Anything stinky. And maybe scrambled eggs. I feel for you- we went through this with Sadie. Good luck to you and Luna.


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My 13 year old is Lucy. She has never been very food motivated and especially the last year or so, getting food that she will eat changes from meal to meal. I feed Lucy and her 12 year old brother three times a day with two or three snacks in between. You can''t let them not eat or they literally will stop eatiing completely. For Lucy, so far alternating her meals between 13.5 oz Merrick Thanksgiving Dinner, Grammy's Pot Pie, Wingaling, and Smothered Comfort are good ones, also Fresh Pet Select, which is found in refrigerator cases in the pet aisle of some large grocers is a winner sometimes even two meals in a row. Scrambled eggs sometimes, roast beef, baked chicken, bread, waffles. I also give Lucy Dyne which is found in feed stores or online. It is a high calorie supplement and she really likes it for dessert. Antibiotics are awful hard on their stomachs and it is usually best to protect the stomach when they are taking them. I've found that if I can "jump start" her eating by placing a little of something she really likes on top of her food that will sometimes help too. If you search the Food and Dietary section of Greytalk you will find there have been many, many threads over the years on this exact topic.


I hope you will find things in this thread that will get your Luna eating.

Edited by Greytlady94

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest lunabelle

I want to express my sincerest thanks to everyone who responded to my post regarding the eating problems we were having with out beloved grey Luna.


Since I posted this query, we have been unable to get Luna to eat anything, including many of the items suggested in this thread. The only food we've been able to get down her (I've been squirting the mix in her mouth with a syringe) was baby food (sometimes mixed with egg) and a small amount of Glucerna).


Our vet reexamined Luna late yesterday, at which time he gave her a cortisone injection to pique her appetite. This didn't work. He told my husband (I was in physical therapy at the time, which I've been in three times weekly since August, following a July stroke). Joel told Paul if this didn't work, he would have to conclude Luna had cancer, particularly since she's lost so much weight in a short length of time. Luna is too old for us to want to put this dear girl through the rigors of cancer treatment. Therefore, we have made an appointment with a vet who will come to our home at 6 p.m. tomorrow to euthanize this sweet, beautiful, much beloved grey. We will miss her so very much. I've been crying off and since last night as my heart and my husband's are broken in two.


Mary L. Cook

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Mary, I am so sorry to read that sad news. And you've fought so long and hard for your dog that you and your husband can rest assured that no dog could have been looked after better. Sometimes when they go off their food it's forever, and it is as if they have heard God's call that it's time to get ready to go back home. I knew that with Angel when she politely started tipping over her bowl when I went to hand feed her. She let me syringe feed her, but then one day she told me that really wsn't what she wanted me to do. Although it breaks our hearts to do so, we still let them go to the Bridge with love.

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I understand how difficult this is, Mary, and my heart goes out to you and your family. Luna landed in the right home with you folks. Love on her and let her see your smile.

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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